Safety equipment introduced in F1 since 2010

Formula One can be fun for spectators but it is equally dangerous for drivers. Here are some of the safety equipment that F1 introduced in 2010 to increase safety.

In its more than 70-year history, Formula 1 has come a long way in safety and security in racing. When Formula 1 began, the risks associated with motorsport were death and serious injury.

However, due to the many fatal accidents and incidents, Formula 1 strives to increase safety for its drivers. Since 2010, the FIA ​​has introduced a number of safety devices to make sport a safe experience. Here’s looking at every safety device that has been introduced in F1 since 2010.

Accelerometer – Introduced in 2014

Since 2014, drivers in F1 have had accelerometers in their earpieces to collect accurate information. With the accelerometer, they can better understand the forces acting on the car. This tool shows the precise movement of the driver’s head during an impact. Especially after an accident, the accelerometer is very important. The FIA ​​chose the ears because it was a non-invasive and ideal place to keep the device.


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Driver Facing Camera – Introduced in 2016

Driver-facing cameras were installed inside cars in 2016 to help analyze what happened inside the cockpit during the crash. With a frame rate of 400 fps, the camera captures every little moment inside the cockpit. It works with an accelerometer and accident data recorder to deliver data and enhance safety. In addition, the camera is fully integrated into the cockpit to ensure that it does not interfere during the race.

Hello – Introduced in 2018

Halo was one of the most thoughtful steps in formula racing to enhance driver safety. It is a cockpit safety device that secures the driver’s head to prevent injury during an impact. The device was controversial as experts argued that it could hinder visibility for drivers. However, after several incidents on the tracks where the halo came in handy, the raging and debate surrounding the device subsided. The device protects drivers’ heads from flying debris.


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Biometric Gloves – Introduced in 2018

Another safety innovation that made its way to Formula Racing in 2018 is the Biometric Glove. This innovation could give a better idea of ​​the health status of the driver after the accident. The gloves keep the driver’s pulse and blood oxygen levels up to race control. Thanks to glove data, medical teams can better cater for drivers’ injuries.

Fire Gloves – Tried in 2021

These gloves have not yet been introduced as they are still under testing. The importance of these gloves was realized after an incident involving Romain Grosjean. Grosjean survived the incident but ended up with severely burned hands. As part of a continuing effort to increase driver safety, the FIA ​​began work on these fire protection gloves.


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0 notes

The FIA ​​demonstrates a constant effort to increase safety in Formula Racing. Now more than ever, Formula 1 is focusing on driver safety the most!

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