Salt, sugar will be less in school food

The new rules – which mark the first time sugar has been added to school meals – will first specifically target sugary foods, including breakfast cereals, yogurt, desserts and flavored milks. The rules are intended to improve the health of children and reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity, which a federal panel said may be linked to eating too much added sugar.

Starting next school year, the proposed rules would be implemented in phases over the next seven years to cap the amount of added sugar commonly found in processed foods such as soda and cereal, as well as honey and sugar. They don’t include sugars found naturally in foods like fruit and unflavored milk.

As with salt, over time the regulations will gradually reduce the weekly limit. Schools will still need to emphasize foods made from whole grains.

“These standards are designed to provide truly nutritious food because food is valued for learning, for health care, for the future of this country,” Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack told reporters on Friday. “Many children are not getting the nutrition they need, and diet-related diseases are on the rise.”

Public health and nutrition groups welcomed the new limit on added sugars, but some said they were disappointed not to see more cuts in salt. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that high sodium consumption can raise blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

“While this is a step in the right direction, it is not enough to reach our destination,” said Peter Lurie, president of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a food and health watchdog organization.

Republicans said they would review the proposal, but raised concerns about its feasibility.

“Claiming to be science-based doesn’t mean the USDA can set impractical standards that make it hard for local school personnel to feed children,” said House Committee on Education and the Workforce Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R. ., NC) and Sen. John Boozman of Arkansas, the top Republican on the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, said in a joint statement.

The new school food rules come at a time of scrutiny around children’s health and obesity. Last month, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that physicians provide weight-loss medications for obese children ages 12 and older, along with lifestyle and behavioral counseling.

According to the most recent figures from the CDC, nearly one-fifth of children in America are considered obese.

According to the USDA, more than 15 million children eat breakfast at school and about 30 million eat lunch.

Mr. Vilsack said he struggled with his weight in fourth grade and was taunted by a teacher who suggested he couldn’t do math problems on the board because of his weight.

“And so I’m particularly sensitive about this issue of nutrition and kids and making sure we do it right for kids,” he said.

School meals are considered the best source of nutritious food for many children. A 2021 study by Tufts University found that schools provided the highest percentage of nutritious meals compared to meals from restaurants and grocery stores.

Agriculture Department officials said that during meetings with parents, teachers and health professionals, they heard repeated concerns, especially about the amount of added sugar in breakfasts served by schools.

“That’s probably where we’ll see most of the change,” said Stacey Dean, USDA’s deputy under secretary.

The School Nutrition Association, a nonprofit that represents school nutrition professionals nationwide, said most schools will have difficulty meeting the new guidelines because they struggle to obtain items that meet specific standards. do, including low-sugar cereals and granola bars.

The USDA relaxed several requirements during the pandemic, when supply chain disruptions made it difficult for schools to procure certain foods.

Mr. Vilsack said schools are being given ample time to meet the new requirements, which will not take effect until the 2024-2025 school year, with full implementation of all standards until the 2029-2030 school year.

One area still in flux is what kind of milk should be served in school meals, with officials proposing two options.

Only high school students will be allowed to be served flavored milk. The second option would continue existing rules, which allow all schools to serve both flavored and unflavored skim and low-fat milk – but flavored milk would have to fall under the new added sugar limits. Schools are not allowed to serve whole milk.

Michael Dykes, president of the International Dairy Foods Association, said, “While we are pleased that this proposed rule continues to make dairy central to child nutrition, we support the USDA’s ongoing efforts to propose limits on milk and dairy in school meals.” Worried about efforts. a news release.

The USDA notes that a recent analysis found that flavored skim milk was the leading source of added sugars in both school breakfasts and lunches.

The Department of Agriculture is required by law to set standards for food and beverages served to children at school that are consistent with the nation’s dietary guidelines.