sarcasm | Snow Right and 11 Duties

This shows that we are really good citizens who are performing all our duties honestly.

If you have been following the news, you are probably aware that Indians have unknowingly weakened the country since independence. Celebrities from Annie Besant to Ambedkar, Bharti to Namdev Dhasal, Haseena Khan to Radhika Vemula have fought for the fundamental rights of all Indians at every turn, but this shows that this was a very anti-national move. Instead, they should have focused on the people performing their fundamental duties.

Added to the Constitution in 1976, Fundamental Duties, like the Directive Principles, are in the nature of guidelines and are not enforceable by law. Perhaps the time has come to change that, given the eagerness with which we are already performing the duties.

Take, for example, the duty of “promoting a sense of harmony and common brotherhood among peoples, beyond religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities”. I believe nothing does so much good as one or two strategic lynchings, disrupting prayers, breaking idols of each other’s religious communities, stopping some people from the banks of a river, etc. .

Equally, we have a duty to “cherish and preserve the rich national heritage of our mixed culture”. Many people define ‘holistic culture’ as a pleasant fusion of many different ways of existence. Which is fine, but it doesn’t take into account the widespread misinterpretation of said passage. Our respected constitution writers have written ‘Samagra’ but many people are probably reading it as ‘Compost’. This explains why defenders of duties are now showing more interest in digging up historic insects of all kinds than in the interest of purely composting vermiculture.

I really didn’t know that one of the fundamental duties is to “sacrifice practices degrading to the dignity of women”. One suspects that even a small modification is needed. It should probably be read as “condemnation” and not “abandonment”. In this revised form, I am happy to say that the nation is performing its duty towards the letter. Every day there are reports of women being auctioned online, women being raped by powerful saints and church heads, women colleagues being attacked by famous actors and singers, and each of these crimes being strongly condemned in public speeches. . Unless someone somewhere condemns all practices that are abusive to us ma-bainsEverything will be okay.

Duty number 7 is to protect and improve the natural environment including lakes, wildlife, rivers, forests etc. And the best way to do this is by finding innovative ways to increase India’s forest cover. Recently it was revealed that the Ministry of Forest and Environment of India has started to include tea gardens and palm plantations as forest cover. It should be the duty of a citizen to suggest other areas that they can add. Golf courses, lawns and coconut trees come to mind. As far as “improving the natural environment” is concerned, both industrialists and ministers know that nothing improves messy forests as neatly as a coal mine or two.

One of the Fundamental Duties also states that citizens should “abstain from violence”. But I believe that one can safely ignore this duty as a little violence is always required to enforce the duties. Remember how the man was thrashed by dutiful citizens while they asked him to recite the national anthem? It is the soul of the thing that matters.

Another duty that may pose a challenge is one that urges citizens to develop “a scientific temper, humanism and spirit of inquiry”. We know that many conscientious citizens are angry, but this may not always be scientific. After all, when it becomes our obligatory duty to ring plates and bells to aurally connect with the universe, one cannot be too keen on science. And then there’s the highly unscientific chorophile that many of us swear by and diligently distribute to friends and relations. As needed Never let science come between you and your duty.

All that said, there appears to be no need to be concerned about the direction the country is heading. But no one ever knows; People have a bad habit of suddenly demanding fundamental rights. And perhaps that is why the Prime Minister felt the need to caution the nation in its 75th year of independence. One shares his concern. It is probably time for another constitutional amendment – ​​one that takes away all rights and grants citizens a slew of duties alone.

Where the author tries to understand the society with seven hundred words and a little taut
