Save your car from flood damage: Tips to drive on waterlogged roads – Times of India

We are about to say goodbye to the monsoon rains, but still, there are many parts of the country that are still affected by the rains, which have flooded the roads and flooded the roads. Sure, you can stay out of the rain but what about the car? For example, Bengaluru is currently facing the problems of waterlogged roads and hence traffic congestion. If a parking lot gets waterlogged or if you need to drive through a flooded road, there are steps you can take to keep your car as safe as possible. Here’s a little checklist to keep in mind.
– If you are anticipating rain and know that your parking area becomes waterlogged, reduce the risk of water entering your car by changing your parking lot to an elevated location, if possible. This is especially necessary if it is a sedan or hatchback as it will sit close to the ground. If it is parking in an open field, cover it to protect it from the elements, such as hail.
– Double check to roll up the window. Forgetting to roll up a single window can also cause havoc as rain loves to destroy fabric or leather upholstery and electronic components.
– So, there are times when you can’t help it and watch your car fill with gray dirty rainwater. It is not uncommon. But if you see that the car is submerged in the tires or the exhaust pipe is under water, do not try to start the engine. Doing so can cause water to enter the engine through the air intake or exhaust. If water enters the cylinder, it can damage the pistons and valves. Not to mention, this repair won’t be cheap. Wait for the water to subside completely.
The same is true if the car is stopped on a flooded road. Do not attempt to start the engine while the car is halfway submerged in water to the tire or exhaust.
It needs to be noted that most insurance policies do not cover damages caused by natural calamities, including rains.
– If you have to drive on a flooded road, the first suggestion is – don’t do it. As far as possible, avoid driving in flood waters unless absolutely necessary. Metals, electronics, engines and exhausts do not like water that much. Stay home, change routes, unless really necessary.
– and if necessary, assess the depth of the water, and if any, look for an elevated area to drive on.
– Put your car in first gear and go slow. If you hit the water at high speed, the air intake can soak up the water, as can the car aquaplane (lose traction and lose control).
Keep the engine running while moving slowly in flood water. This will help keep water out of the drain. If you stall and have to restart the engine, do so immediately. The longer you wait, the more water can enter through the exhaust outlet. If the car has been on for a while and you know that the engine is also flooded, trying to start or push it out will do more harm than good.
– Dry the brakes after exiting the flooded area. Drive slow and brake lightly and often to dry the water from the disc and calipers or drum brakes.
– and lastly, while most insurance policies will not cover flood damageOf course, some companies offer add-on covers for a similar thing. If you only have third-party liability covered, it would be worth considering a comprehensive car insurance plan.