Sawan Shivratri 2023: Date, timings, puja vidhi, significance and other details of Shravan Shivratri

Image Source : FREEPIK Know date, timings, puja vidhi, significance and other details of Sawan Shivratri 2023.

Sawan Shivratri is an important Hindu festival celebrated in the month of Sawan (July-August). The festival is celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm by devotees all over India. Sawan refers to the fifth month in the Hindu calendar, which falls between July and August while Shivratri is a day sacred to Lord Shiva. On this day, devotees of Lord Shiva observe a fast and offer prayers to him. This year, Sawan Shivratri 2023 falls on July 15, 2023. However, the auspicious occasion of Shivratri will be observed twice this year because the month of Sawan will go on for two months. The second Sawan Shivratri will be celebrated on August 14.

Sawan Shivratri 2023 Rituals

The rituals of Sawan Shivratri are largely directed towards appeasing Lord Shiva. On this day, devotees wake up before dawn and take a holy bath (Abhishek) with water, milk, curd, honey and bel leaves. This is done to purify their minds and bodies and seek Lord Shiva’s blessings. Devotees also offer special worship (puja) to Lord Shiva by chanting hymns, offering flowers, lighting lamps and presenting offerings such as fruits and sweets.

Sawan Shivratri 2023 Significance

The significance of Sawan Shivratri lies in its association with the legend of Goddess Parvati. According to Hindu mythology, it was on this day that Parvati undertook severe penance and meditation for 108 years to win the love and acceptance of Lord Shiva. This eventually led to their marriage, which is why Sawan Shivratri is also known as Parvati Vivaah-Utsav or Kalyan Utsav.

For devotees of Lord Shiva, Sawan Shivratri has great spiritual significance as it symbolises the power of truth and goodness over evil. It also symbolises the victory of light over darkness. Devotees pray for spiritual enlightenment for themselves and their loved ones on this day so that they may lead a meaningful life full of peace and happiness.

Sawan Shivratri Puja Timings

Chaturdashi Tithi Begins: July 15, 2023 (08:32 PM)

Chaturdashi Tithi Ends: July 16, 2023 (10:08 PM)

Shivratri Parana Time: July 16, 2023 (05:34 AM to 03:51 PM)

Ratri First Prahar Puja Time: July 16, 2023 (07:17 PM to 09:51 PM)

Ratri Second Prahar Puja Time: July 16, 2023 (09:51 PM to  12:25 AM)

Ratri Third Prahar Puja Time: July 16, 2023 (12:25 AM to 03:00 AM)

Ratri Fourth Prahar Puja Time: July 16, 2023 (03:00 AM to  05:34 AM)

In conclusion, it is recommended that devotees abstain from non-vegetarian food or any intoxicants on this day as a mark of respect towards Lord Shiva. Devotees should also meditate regularly throughout the day in order to connect with the divine energy within themselves.

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