Say goodbye to hyperpigmentation with these 5 ways

Dry skin isn’t really a skincare problem that can be solved with a weekly face mask. Additionally, they only get worse if left untreated for a long time. Known as hyperpigmentation, it is one of the most common skin care issues. Simply put, hyperpigmentation is the overproduction of melanin by your body. It can occur on any part of your body and includes redness and swelling. Age spots, melasma and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation are some types of hyperpigmentation.

Here are some ways to keep your skin looking flawless by keeping hyperpigmentation at bay-

skin acid

Skin acids or face acids work to remove the top layer of your skin through exfoliation. Every time you exfoliate your skin, new skin cells replace the old ones. Regular use in your skincare regime will make your skin even more toned and smooth. Some popular options are alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) such as lactic acid or glycolic acid.

2. Chemical Peels

During a chemical peel, a greater concentration of acid is used to treat the targeted skin area. Chemical peels strip the top layer of your skin and reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation. You can consider getting a professional chemical peel done for safer and more effective results. Chemical peels work if you have age spots, sun damage, melasma and patchy skin.

3. Laser Peels

Targeted beams of light are used during the laser peel procedure to reduce hyperpigmentation. The most intense laser treatment that removes layers of your skin is called an ablative laser. On the other hand, the non-ablative procedure focuses on the dermis to stimulate collagen formation and tightening benefits. Both eliminate substances from your skin, allowing fresh skin cells to regenerate.

4. Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion also removes your epidermis, but it affects a part of your dermis as well. Dermabrasion is sometimes used to smooth out wrinkles. Commonly, it is used to treat acne scars, age spots, chickenpox scars, bruises and sun damage to name a few. A handheld tool is used with an abrasive attachment and is quickly moved gently across the skin to remove the top layer of skin.

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5. Pay attention to diet

Hyperpigmentation can also be caused by deficiencies, chronic health conditions and hormonal imbalances. Include foods rich in vitamins, folic acid and antioxidants to keep your skin looking bright, even-toned and glowing.

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