Scary! Dutch geologist Frank Hoogerbeets accurately predicted Turkey, Syria earthquakes four days in advance; Watch

Turkey-Syria Earthquake Latest News: A 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Turkey and Syria on Monday, causing widespread devastation and unexpected loss of life and property. However, if the respective governments had heeded the prediction of a researcher, the loss of life could have been reduced. Although, hardly anyone believes in the prediction of earthquakes, but it is both scary and surprising that a researcher based on his calculations had predicted these devastating earthquakes four days in advance.

Dutch geologist Frank Hoogerbeets said in a tweet on February 3, “Sooner or later there will be a ~M 7.5 #earthquake in this region (south-central Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon).”

In his Youtube video, Hoogerbeets elaborates on the Solar System Geometry Index predicting massive earthquakes. Frank Hugger is a researcher at the Institute for the Beats Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGOES).

After the earthquake hit the region, he said, “My condolences to all the people affected by the big earthquake in central Turkey. As I said before, sooner or later the same thing will happen in this region, as 115 and 526 These earthquakes are always preceded by significant planetary geometries, as we had on February 4-5.”

Although Huggerbeats and SSGOES claimed that planetary alignments play an important role behind earthquakes, netizens remained divided with many claiming that earthquakes cannot be predicted in advance.

Search teams and aid are being rushed into Turkey and Syria as rescuers work in freezing temperatures and sometimes using their bare hands to dig through the remains of buildings flattened by the powerful quake. The death toll rose to nearly 8,000 and was still expected to rise.