scary! Man rides bike near steep mountain, skids going up it: WATCH VIRAL VIDEO

Driving an off-road car or riding a motorcycle is a matter of skill. But the skills required are directly proportional to the difficulty level of the terrain one is riding or driving on. In one such skill show, a video of a motorcycle rider is going viral on the internet. The video shows a motorcyclist climbing a very steep, slippery looking mountain in a very daring incident. It is to be noted that the rider in the video appears to be a professional rider who is capable of handling the bike on the slippery mountain. The video has been shared on Twitter by an account named Lo+Viral and the caption reads, “Sometimes the impossible is possible.”

The video has already garnered over 374,000 views on Twitter and continues to garner more views. Along with this, the likes on the video are also increasing and now it has got more than 11 thousand likes.

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The video begins with the motorcycle going through a piece of a plane and then going up a mountain. Although not clearly visible, the biker is using a rally bike. Also, because of the marks on the mountain someone has attempted to do the same before.

As the video progresses, the biker who initially seemed to be climbing the half mountain with ease, is seen struggling a bit. The bike slips from either side as soon as the biker comes halfway. No matter how tough the ride, the biker achieves his goal and reaches the summit safely.

A series of reactions have started on this video on social media. While many were surprised by the feat accomplished by Ryder, many questioned the need for doing it. One of the social media users commented on the post, “We used to do stunts like this growing up. No hill was too big to climb on the Red River.” Another user said, ‘Yes, helmet was necessary.’