Schoolgirl attempts suicide near Salem in Tamil Nadu. Chennai News – Times of India

Salem: A Class 12 girl student tried to kill herself by jumping from the third floor of a nearby government school. mecheri In Salem Districts of Tamil Nadu on Monday
District Collector S Karmegam said the girl tried to end her life due to some family issues.
A police officer attached to Mecheri police said, “The girl had come to school on Monday as usual. But she jumped from a building around 11 am. The teachers took him to Mecheri GH. After first aid, the doctors of the hospital referred him to the Salem Government Medical College and Hospital. The girl has suffered multiple fractures in her leg and injuries on her face. His condition is stable.”
District Collector Karmegam met the girl on Monday evening at Salem Hospital and tried to console her. He told reporters that the girl was worried about some family issues. “He did not face any problem in school. After his recovery, he will be counselled.”
The collector asked the teachers to counsel the children and urged the students not to take any extreme step. “Teachers should know every ward in their classes. Similarly, students should share their problems with the teachers. ,
Mecheri police have registered a case and started further action.

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