Schools in Delhi reopened today amid strict COVID-19 guidelines. check details

Students of classes 9-12 returned to Delhi schools after they reopened on Wednesday after a long gap due to COVID-19. Following a marked improvement in the COVID situation in the national capital, the Delhi government on Friday announced that schools, colleges and coaching institutes for classes 9 to 12 would reopen from September 1.

The Delhi government had clarified that no student would be forced to attend physical classes and parental consent would be mandatory.

Though it has allowed institutions to open, the Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) has notified several safety guidelines.

The guidelines announced by the DDMA for the reopening of schools include allowing only 50 per cent students per class, mandatory thermal screening, lunch breaks, alternate seating arrangements and avoidance of regular guest visits.

DDMA has said that students, teachers and non-teaching staff living in the Kovid Containment Zone will not be allowed to come to schools and colleges.

While the government has noted that activities like vaccination centers and ration distribution which were going on in various schools, DDMA said that the area used for these activities should be separated from the area which is used for educational activities. Will go

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