Schools will open in these states from today. Complete list

Schools in various states will resume physical classes from today after being closed due to rising cases of Kovid-19 during the third wave. As the number of daily COVID-19 cases is coming down, various state governments have decided to reopen schools for physical classes.

Here is the list of states that will resume classes from today:


Schools in Delhi are gearing up to welcome students of junior classes from today, while some parents are still apprehensive about sending their children to schools.

Schools reopened for classes 9 to 12 on Monday (February 7) after a prolonged shutdown in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, while they will reopen for classes nursery to 8 from today.

Schools in the city were briefly reopened, again on December 28 last year in view of the third wave of the coronavirus driven by its Omron version.

While the Center has removed the mandatory parental consent clause for students to physically attend schools from its guidelines and left it to the states, the Delhi government has decided to continue with it.

There is no cap on 50 per cent student strength and schools are free to decide the number of students based on their infrastructure so as to adhere to the COVID protocol.


The Kerala government has decided to reopen schools for children studying in classes 1 to 9, crches and kindergartens from today. Presently classes are being conducted with 50 percent attendance. The government has already given permission for resumption of physical classes from February 7 for class 10, 11 and 12 and college students.

Uttar Pradesh:

The Uttar Pradesh government has decided to open all schools from today in view of the steady decline in the number of new COVID-19 cases in the state. Initially, the government had decided to reopen classes till 9, however, in a later order, all educational institutions were allowed to open from nursery from today. although Schools will have to strictly follow the COVID-19 guidelines in their premises.

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