Scientists confirm long-term effect of Covid on heart: These symptoms are worrying

Compared to three years back, Covid is relatively less severe now. However, the risk associated with the disease still remains as long-term covid continues to bother some patients long after their initial recovery. Now, a new research study has revealed how patients with prolonged Covid were more than twice as likely to experience cardiovascular complications.

This new analysis of nearly six million patients confirms what cardiologists have been seeing for years long covid patients ie very high risk of cardiac complications. According to the study, researchers found that patients with prolonged Covid experienced chest pain, shortness of breath, compared to patients who never had Covid.

Long COVID is defined as symptoms or new symptoms that persist more than four weeks after the initial infection.

Read also: Long Covid: This symptom can haunt you for months after initial recovery

The study included data from 11 major studies. This new systematic review and meta-analysis will be presented at the American College of Cardiology’s upcoming annual meeting, ACC.23, along with the World Congress of Cardiology in New Orleans, as reported by Cardiovascular Business.

Read also: The man who was suffering from Covid infection for a long time finally recovered. This way

In a prepared statement previewing the study, lead author Joanna Lee, a medical student at David Twilldiani Medical University in Georgia, said, “COVID-19 is much more than a simple respiratory disease — it is a syndrome that can affect the heart. could.”

He added, “Physicians should be aware that cardiac complications may be present and seek further investigation if a patient complains of these symptoms long after being infected with COVID-19.”

Read also: Why the death toll from COVID-19 is still rising in the US

He further advised the patients to visit a doctor if they have covid or are having difficulty in breathing or any kind of new heart problem.

Previously, a study by researchers at the University of Missouri revealed that there are 7 long-term health traits that are directly linked. tall-Covid and all the symptoms can seriously affect day to day life. These symptoms include rapid heartbeat, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, joint pain, hair loss, and obesity.

Another study showed that there are 4 subtypes of chronic COVID, and many have severe symptoms. A study published in Nature Medicine found that long-term Covid sufferers usually fall into one of the following categories: conditions affecting the heart and kidney system, conditions affecting the respiratory system, sleepiness and anxiety problems, conditions of the musculoskeletal and neurological systems and conditions that affect the digestive and respiratory systems.

Not only long covid, there were also reports of some side effects associated with it. covid vaccine Was informed. According to a paper published in the open-access scientific journal MDPI, so far, more than 670 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with Covid, and around 7 million death cases have been attributed to Covid. According to the researcher, recent data suggest that post-COVID-19 may increase the risk for several entities of cardiovascular disease (CVD) to the same extent as seen for traditional cardiovascular (CV) risk factors.

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