Scorpio Monthly Horoscope December 2021: Read predictions here – Times of India

Education: The academic front will not turn out the way they expected for Scorpio. Primary schoolers will be able to address concerns related to some courses by the second week, but college students will not have much to look forward to in the latter half of the month.
Livelihood: This month will be a turning point in your professional life. If you put in the right amount of work and desire, the placement of the twelfth house can help you to flourish in an unexpected way. Your sacrifice at your workplace this month will go unnoticed and will undoubtedly contribute significantly to your career advancement.
Business: This month can be fruitful for your company’s brand awareness. In the second half of the month, you will make substantial development and contacts. You will receive constructive feedbacks that will aid in the development of your trademark.
Love: Your love life will bring you a lot of joy and satisfaction. This whole month you will see how sweet it is to love. A day full of joy and sensations welcomes you, during which you will spend your valuable time exploring your simply adorable connection.
marriage: Your relationship will strengthen both you and your partner. Your married life will improve in the fourth week of this month. A more warm, meaningful and satisfying relationship will develop between you and your spouse. There is no particular danger in your marriage this month.
children: You will be able to make the best decision for your kids this month. According to your sixth house, in the fourth week of the month, your child will have trouble in school work. This month, your children who are training in a distant land are more inclined to return to you.
