Security Crisis:

symbolic photo.


Near the Russi Samvad, the Sardar gave President Vladimir Putin a copy of the military sandstorm about the country. Type after type: A letter was written to a member of the Lok Sabha in this regard. What has been said about going viral after Iv I went viral. ATIVity has attacked.

this also further

In addition to being bad according to the weather, the states can be declared to be happy in the states as well as the weather is favorable. A total of 153 did not cause any kind of obstruction from the environment.

The Russian Foreign Office said that “at the moment” there are no plans to send troops to eastern Ukraine. is is is is is is is is

After being particularly active, “conversation strikes.” ,

The “Heavy Armored Car” is well equipped and in the “L” position in case of malfunction in case of malfunction at the time of updating.

Punk also stated that NATO was “actively actively aligned with the mod to Yu Yuen.” It is said that “to cure the disease in order to defend the sovereignty of the position of Russia.”

Punkt defines the act as an ally in relation to the position of the entitlement and the status of friendship with: “D’s entitlement and entitlement to action verbs.”

To Mars, the position of New Donat and the date of Lugan Skand as well as typed on the defect on the right and the position of the Vat on the right chamber for the Air Force.
