SEE ALSO: 7 Tips To Make Perfect Pasta Every Time

You have to admit – pasta and macaroni have become a part of our list of favorite snacks like any other Indian classics. From a cheesy white sauce pasta at a fancy restaurant to a street side vendor’s masala vegetable macaroni, we finish both of these plates with equal enthusiasm in minutes. And, we are pretty sure that you have tried making pasta at home at least 100 times by now. While some days you might surprise yourself with a restaurant-like dish, other days even a simple macaroni turns out to be a disaster. Well, did you know that everything you choose to do before cooking a sauce, from the amount of salt in boiling water to the oil to use, affects the quality of the dish as well? Well, if you haven’t, you’ve come to the right place. Because here are some tips and tricks you should keep in mind so that you can make perfect pasta every time.

(Also read: )

In her recent Instagram video, Chef and Content Creator Sneha Singhi Upadhyay shares 7 tips and tricks that you can use for perfect pasta every time.

Here are 7 tips for making the perfect pasta:

1. Salt Your Pasta:

Start by boiling a pan full of water and add a good amount of salt to it. It is recommended to use salt only once in cooking pasta and that is at this stage. For example, you can use 1 tablespoon of salt for 2.5 liters of water.

Adequately salt the boiling water of your pasta

2. Do not use oil:

It is advised not to use any olive oil/neutral oil when boiling pasta or once it is boiled. This will make the pasta noodles greasy and the sauce will not stick to them properly.

3. Put the Pasta in the Boiling Water:

It is best to wait for the water to boil before adding the pasta. Once you drop, stir it lightly so it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan.

4. Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the packet:

Cook for the time specified on the packet of pasta. Different companies make pasta with different ingredients and methods; Follow the cooking times given on the packet for best results.


Follow the directions on the packet for boiling times.

5. Save Some Pasta Water:

Once the pasta is boiled, always save at least a cup of boiling water. Using this water while cooking will not dry out the pasta too much and ensure that the sauce is properly sticked.

6. Don’t Drain the Pasta Completely:

While you’re straining the pasta, try not to remove a drop of water from it. Because if you do this and let it sit while you prepare the sauce, the pasta will cool and the starches in it will stick together and become sticky.

7. Cook the Pasta Last:

Since boiling pasta and storing boiled pasta can make or break a dish, it is best to prepare the sauce before boiling the pasta. Doing this allows you to transfer the freshly steamed pasta directly to the sauce, leaving it thoroughly moist and well coated in the sauce.

If you want to see the detailed video, here it is:

(Also read: )

We hope you have a great pasta making session after this!


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