Sehwag was unfairly trolled for giving gold medal to Hima Das – Check

Former Indian cricketer Virender Sehwag on Saturday (July 30) became a victim of misinformation after he had wrongly tweeted that India’s sprint star Himas Das has won a gold medal in the 400m event at the Commonwealth Games 2022. But this was not true as the athletics competition has not started yet. CWG 2022 is underway in Birmingham. Sehwag’s now-deleted tweet read: “What a win! Indian athletes are in full swing. Many congratulations to Himas Das on winning the 400m gold in the Commonwealth Games. Faqar.” Sehwag’s tweet came long before an Indian, really, won the first medal as a country Sanket Sargar, a lifter from Maharashtra state in India won the men’s 55kg final by lifting a total of 248kg. silver medal.

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Sehwag later tweeted Sargar’s achievement and he wrote: “Thank you #ShankarSargar This is the first medal in Commonwealth Games for India to win this, great effort. Proud of your silver #CWG.”

He did reform but the cruel world of social media did not leave him. He reminded them about their mistake made in the earlier tweet and trolled them mercilessly. One of the Twitter users wrote: ‘Galli se gal gaya tha’, while another wrote ‘Veeru bhai, stay updated a bit, think before tweeting writing’.

Here’s how things unfolded on social media.

Sanket, who hails from Maharashtra, has become India’s first medalist at the 2022 Commonwealth Games. He was in the lead for a long time but his second and third attempts did not go well. In fact, he injured his right elbow when he attempted to lift 139 kg twice within five minutes, but failed on both occasions. He looked uncomfortable at the end and even during the medal ceremony. He dedicated his medal to the 75th year of India’s independence.