Self-Proclaimed ‘Alligator of Wall Street’ Caught in Big Bitcoin Bust

Washington : Heather Morgan is a future corporate influencer who raps about entrepreneurship, designs handbags inspired by ketchup squirts, and signs her motivational YouTube videos with the words “razzle-dazzle.”

He has also been accused by the US Department of Justice of helping one of these money-laundering biggest theft in the history of bitcoin.

Morgan and her husband Ilya “Dutch” Lichtenstein’s allegations of cashing in on some of the $4.5 billion in stolen bitcoins exposed the US government’s crackdown on cryptocurrency crimes.

It also drew attention to Morgan’s hip-hop nickname, Razzlekhan, one of the many monikers the 31-year-old used to market his music online. On her website, she stated that the surname was meant to invoke Genghis Khan and the word “pizza”.

Morgan and Lichtenstein were not immediately available for comment. It was unclear who was representing the pair.

Morgan’s songs, which did not attract much attention before his arrest, include lines such as “You don’t even know me/Start a company on 23”. In that track, she threatens, “I have no clue what I’m about / Might like you trout!”

In his rap lyrics, Morgan declares himself to be a “real risk taker” and a “bad ass money maker”. But the lyrics also take some strange detours, including calling themselves “Turkish Martha Stewart,” “The Crocodile of Wall Street,” or “Verses Bedouin.” (“She won the bling,” she adds.)

Morgan said in a video that the business-meets-hip-hop shtick was a put-on—”an exaggeration of its own”—but she seemed committed to the act. A rap video showed him pacing a gold tracksuit in the New York Financial District.

Morgan’s other artistic pursuits include designing “Berazled” handbags based on spice squirts, and rings made with prosthetic eyeballs.

He has written several articles for Mike and Forbes, including one titled, “Tips to Protect Your Business from Cybercriminals.” His Forbes biography described him as an “expert in persuasion, social engineering and game theory”.

Morgan and her husband were scheduled to make their initial appearance in federal court Tuesday in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York.

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