Senior citizens eager for third dose | Kolkata News – Times of India

Kolkata: Senior Citizen Ketki Bhos Those above 60 are the first group to take a precautionary dose on the first day of the rollout on Monday. The Prince Anwar Shah Road resident had taken his first dose on March 1, the first day of the vaccination campaign for the over 60 category. She is planning to visit the nearest CVC on Monday hit,
Many more than 60 recipients who took the first dose on March 1 are now eligible for a booster dose. Most of these people have vaccinated themselves with a second dose by April 10, giving them an expected gap of 39 weeks after the second dose. “I have been following the news on booster doses because I was looking forward to this dose which could at least protect me from a serious infection. I already have high blood pressure and so I am going to a private CVC near my home I am planning to take a job. Swaroop Das, a retired Engineer from a Central Government Institution.
The gap between the two doses of Covishield in the early days of the rollout was four to six weeks ahead of the revised 12- to 16-week protocol released in mid-May. Many had managed to take their second dose by then.
“Though I am looking forward to taking the booster dose, I will be eligible for it only by the end of February as there is a mandatory gap of 39 weeks,” said the former director of rural development, Arunachal government. Manoj Ranjan Bhattacharjee.
“We have around 600 eligible senior citizens who took both the doses from our CVC and who are eligible for the jab from Monday itself. About 60 of them have already called for a slot. We have opened 300 slots for them on Monday,” said R Venkatesh regional director (east) Narayan Health.
While those willing to pay can get a job done in a private CVC, government CVCs will offer the job to any senior citizen free of cost. Senior citizens no longer need to register as they are already registered on Co-Win. “We are finding out whether we get an option to organize a booster dose for our senior citizen members as some of them do not want to go to the hospital,” he said. Dhires Choudhary, Works Geriatrician with Benchbow for Senior Citizens.
