separating grain from husk

Chronic issues such as lack of information on opening of direct procurement centres, paucity of manpower and inadequate drying yards continue to characterize paddy procurement through the government machinery in Tamil Nadu, leading to an all-time high procurement of 50 lakh tonnes this year. ready for.

Even though it may seem that the food on your table takes an easy route to reach you, the process of getting grain from the farm is complicated. In welfare states, this involves large-scale government involvement called paddy procurement. Helping farmers to get the right or fair price for their produce, avoiding middlemen running and ensuring that the farmer growing the crop is able to sell it without wastage. Although it sounds simple, there are myriad issues in the process.

The problems are due to lack of information regarding opening of Direct Procurement Centers (DPCs) and high moisture content in paddy (which is always during the ‘Kuruvai’ cultivation season) and insufficient number of drying due to paucity of manpower in DPCs. . To top them all, farmers are forced to pay ₹40-₹60 per bag load man at the DPC. The load man taken from the local laborers is engaged season by season in the DPC. A section of farmers feels that “these are the load men who control everything” in the DPC.

At the same time, many farmers believe that loadmen are not the only ones benefiting from the payment scheme. They feel that local officials, businessmen and politicians are part of this chain. On their part, the load men reject any suggestion of the involvement of politicians throughout the network, although the involvement of officers at lower levels has been noticed by vigilance officers. A month ago, two officials of a DPC at Alpakkam in Cuddalore district were caught by the Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Directorate after they allegedly took Rs 15,000 from a farmer for the purchase of 250 bags of paddy. A year ago, while hearing a PIL involving alleged irregularities, the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court had directed DVAC to conduct raids on all DPCs.

The main reason cited in justification for payment to load man is that a load man gets only ₹ 3 per bag in wages. While everyone agrees that wages will have to be raised, there are questions as to whether load men will discontinue their practice even if they are given a manifold wage increase. “Yes, load men will come in line, provided committees, consisting of competent persons and actual representatives of farmers, are in place for every DPC,” says KM Ramagoundar, a farmer in Krishnagiri district. DPC in his village for few years.

In addition to providing a “reasonable income” to the load man, the excess money is used for a number of purposes, including paying honorarium to lorry drivers who haul bags of paddy to Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation (TNCSC) godowns. Carry and cost of sacks. In some areas of northern districts like Madurantakam taluk, a part of the amount goes to the DPC for consumption of electricity, which, says a senior TNCSC official, will be rectified in due course. Another portion is set aside for temples if the DPCs are located on temple land. In some places of the Cauvery delta, a small portion goes into the kitty of the respective gram panchayats. “Why don’t you ask the officials to ensure that the lorry drivers don’t run away from us,” asks Pugalenthi, 66, the load man at Keelathirupoonthuruthy DPC. “If this happens, I will not ask for anything from the farmers. For that matter, my fellow weight men too,” he adds. Interestingly, a resident of Palavedu village in Tiruvallur district says that farmers themselves decide how much they should pay the load man every year.

separating grain from husk

However, those overseeing the purchase emphasize that they are taking every step to eliminate the “load man problem”. Dinesh Ponraj Oliver, Collector of Thanjavur, one of the key areas supplying paddy, says TNCSC staff members have been given “strict instructions” to procure paddy without demanding money from farmers. “If there is any complaint from the farmers, immediate relief will be given to the concerned bill clerk, helper and watchman,” he says.

Collector of another major paddy producing district Tiruvarur, B. Gayatri Krishnan denies the argument that the load man in the DPC runs the show. Only the Senior Regional Manager controls the movement of paddy on lorries. “There is no role for the load man to decide when the lorries move to the DPC or where they are sent for sorting or storage after purchase.”

A senior official observed that there is an element of “master-servant culture” which is associated with the practice of wealth-collecting by the burden men. Most farmers agree with the “system”; Otherwise, there will be retaliation. Similarly, if a farmer tries to bypass the load men, no special knowledge is required to predict the results. But, many weight men do not agree with this view. “If any farmer is not willing to pay me and my colleagues, who number 10, we will quietly withdraw…” says L Ravindran, a load man from Papanasam taluk in Thanjavur district.

Paying extra money isn’t the only big problem. The role of the sections of traders and middlemen has become pervasive in the overall system. It is through this network that paddy is supplied, which is certainly not unique to Tamil Nadu. Paddy either from small and marginal farmers is “collected and supplied” by traders in the DPC, using land records like ‘leash‘ And ‘Adangal‘ Of the farmers themselves (‘Adangal‘ is an important document which gives an account of the status of the cropped area of ​​a farmer). On paper, nothing seems illegal as the money would be deposited into farmers’ bank accounts from which traders would “withdraw their money”. The only downside is that the traders act as middlemen, and it is they who supply the paddy at the DPC.

The per quintal MSP rates fixed by the central government for 'Normal' and 'Grade-A' varieties increased from ₹1,080 and ₹1,110 in 2011-12 to ₹1,868 and ₹1,888 in 2020-21.  Over the years, the state government incentives for the two varieties were ₹50 and ₹70 respectively.  This year, the MSP for 'Normal' variety has been fixed at ₹1,940 and for 'Grade A' at ₹1,960.  The state has increased its incentives to ₹75 and ₹100 respectively.  file

The per quintal MSP rates fixed by the central government for ‘Normal’ and ‘Grade-A’ varieties increased from ₹1,080 and ₹1,110 in 2011-12 to ₹1,868 and ₹1,888 in 2020-21. Over the years, the state government incentives for the two varieties were ₹50 and ₹70 respectively. This year, the MSP for ‘Normal’ variety has been fixed at ₹1,940 and for ‘Grade A’ at ₹1,960. The state has increased its incentives to ₹75 and ₹100 respectively. file | photo Credit: M. Murthy

Another approach is that the paddy, raised elsewhere, is presented in the DPC as if it were from the jurisdiction of the centres. Before May, even Ranipet, which was not a major producer of paddy, saw procurement of paddy in unusual quantities. An investigation is ongoing. In August, 14 lorries carrying paddy from other districts, including Madurai, were seized while carrying sacks of “unauthorized paddy” in Thanjavur district. In a similar operation in Kudavasal taluk of Tiruvarur district, officials found 358 bags of paddy. “We are trying our best to avoid hijacking of DPCs by traders. We have over 325 DPCs and 8 mobile DPCs opened to make the centers more accessible to every farmer and ensure that the paddy of each genuine farmer is procured on the basis of seniority and moisture content,” explains the Tiruvarur collector Huh.

Officials in charge of procurement say that aware of the problems, the government is making efforts to simplify and improve the system. In mid-July, a government order was issued, giving a set of guidelines for every critical phase of procurement – ​​opening of the DPC, procurement process and storage and movement – ​​and “this is the first time that such an order has been issued.” Gone,” says one of the officers.

Location of DPC on Government land “as far as possible”, treatment of farmers on “first come first serve” basis, movement of paddy from DPC to storage point – open type or cover and plinth (CAP) of cover – “Preferably, same day” [of purchase] or latest by the next day”, having sufficient stock of tarpaulin sheets and water-resistant material to protect the paddy, and keeping “not a single bag of paddy” on the roads are mentioned in the important instructions. Level monitoring committees, consisting of several officials including the concerned collectors and two representatives of farmers, are meeting regularly. Their suggestions have been useful, believes a senior official. A helpline regarding DPC – 1800 599 3540 – has been set up.Mohammad Ghazali, a farmer from Tiruvarur, wants the authorities to make the entire operation transparent in the DPC, from token issuance to paddy weighing, only through modern equipment.

In order to ascertain the exact age of rice, the Food Corporation of India (FCI) through the Thanjavur-based National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management has developed a process, the ‘mixed indicator method’, under which the rice is milled before being harvested. will be transported to warehouses, tested. It has been launched in some northern states, says an FCI official, adding that the method will be introduced in Tamil Nadu this year.

One of the major initiatives taken by the present government is the introduction of online registration of farmers, which came into effect from 1st October. Farmers need to provide details such as their Aadhar number, bank account number, land, type of cultivation, expected yield and quantity, besides the type and variety of crop, paddy to be procured. They can also book a slot for purchase, indicating their preference for a DPC. As sections of farmers expressed their objection, the government modified its decision and allowed farmers to choose between the traditional system and online registration. Says an official, “We are hopeful that all the farmers will be on board at the time of harvesting of paddy during the ‘samba’ season.

Mr. Oliver says that 10,500 farmers have registered in Thanjavur and their paddy has also been procured. The number of such farmers in Pudukottai is 2,950. Senior officials of the Revenue Department say that ‘AdangalWill be released online soon after the discrepancies are resolved.

Considering the prospect of procurement this year from the previous year’s record of around 45 lakh tonnes, the government has prepared a macro plan in addition to the district level plans to handle the stock. The official says that this time the godowns of the closed sugar mills will also be used. To ensure adequate hulling capacity, 50 more hulling agents have been enrolled in addition to the existing 376.

Federation of Tamil Nadu Rice Mill Owners and Paddy-Rice Dealers Association President D. Thulasingam says that the government has also allowed millers to process paddy from TNCSC and private traders simultaneously.

Despite all the issues associated with the system, farmers prefer TNCSC to private traders because of “quick payment and better rate and weight”. In fact, after the outbreak of COVID-19, many traders are not contacting farmers to the extent they did earlier. This has not bothered the farmers much as they still believe that the problems in procurement cannot be solved.
