Serum Institute recommends to approve emergency use of another corona vaccine Covovax

Expert added views on the application of SII – was added and additional information was added

New Delhi:

An expert from the country’s nutrition officer has given the Kovid-19 (Kovid-19) vaccines of Telecom of India (Serum Institute of India). ‘covo’ (Kovovax) gave this information in the name of surname. Connected India (SII) contracts with Government and Right to Electricity. Was.

this also further

The protection of VAXI’S SAFETY from Omicron is included in Security Protection

The control source said, “”The Committee of an Infectious Expert (CDSCO) on Unstable Control Disease Control Organization (CD) (CDSCO) reviewed an account bar review (UA) of an application and details-views. – K to New New York information of information.” The expert added the information to the information for the 27 new news items and – the information was asked to the additional information.

The first phase in the U.S. to implement and improve quality from a better quality level to a better clinical quality harmful to health and safety of clinics. Was.

What is the certification of VAXI? It’s ready to succeed,

… KD Prabhas had co-produced Kovo on 17th May for the product. The World Health Organization had tested for well being.


(news said)
