Sevakart: Karnataka: NGO promotes jewelery made from cow dung. Hubli News – Times of India

Belagavi: service workerPromoted by a non-profit organization jewelery Made from cow dung. The jewelery is manufactured by women associated with the Banashankari Gau Anusandhan Kendra.
Sevakart, in a first of its kind mission, is selling necklaces and earrings made of cow dung at an exhibition Belagavi City from March 8-14.
Jewelry is rarely made from such organic material.
Vidya Havanur, manager of Sevakart, told TOI that the Banashankari Gau Shodhan Kendra has hired several women to make a variety of products using cow dung. One of these is jewellery.
Describing the process of making, Havnoor said that after drying the dung, women remove grass and other materials from it. Later, it is ground to a powder, which forms clay and sets in molds. Thereafter, the piece of jewelery is painted to enhance its beauty, she said.
Necklaces of different designs cost between Rs 300 to Rs 400, while the price of earrings ranges from Rs 30-50. While some visitors to the exhibition appreciated the design and exclusivity, others were hesitant to buy them. Vidya said it will take time for such a new product to catch on.
Vidya said: “These pieces of jewelery are unique, affordable and innovative. Wearing such jewelry reveals the rich heritage of our culture. Usually, people think that these jewelry will emit some smell, but they will not . More important, it won’t cause any irritation,” she said.