Sexual abuse case: Police questioned Shivamurthy Murugha Sharanaru, head priest of Murugha Math in Chitradurga. Bengaluru News – Times of India

Chitradurga: Shri Murugh: Idiotmain shrine of shivmurthy murugh Police is interrogating Sharnaru in the Deputy Commissioner’s office Chitradurga,
after saving Swamiji Taking him into police custody on Friday evening, the police took him to the district hospital for medical checkup. DSP The Office. Interrogated him till midnight. Later Swamiji slept there.
Team of officers led by DSP and Investigating Officer Anil Kumar The interrogation was started again on Saturday morning. Sources said that Swamiji is responding and cooperating with the inquiry.
Since the DSP is located next to the DC office, it has created hindrance for the public following tight security in the area.
Meanwhile, Swamiji reportedly moved the court for bail on medical grounds.