Shahrukh Khan’s ‘Pathan’ releasing today amid protests, posters filed in Bhagalpur and Agra


The film ‘Pathan’ will look somewhat mysterious from today. However, its opposition continues till now. Its poster is decked outside a cinema hall a day ahead of its release in Bihar’s Bhagalpur on Tuesday. Shahrukh Khan’s ‘Pathan’ film has been made in Bhagalpur’s Deepprabha Cinema Hall. Youths of Hindu organizations started pasting posters in cinema halls and raised slogans ‘Film Chalenge, Hall Jalega’.

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“No compromise with Hindutva”

Members of the Hindu organization said, “Hinduism cannot be compromised. Any element opposing the Sanatan culture will not be given to Sahitpur in the whole of India.” The members of the organization have said that if Pathan is shown in any movie theater of Bhagalpur, it will be strongly opposed. Manager Lalan Singh said that some anti-social elements protested against the film and burnt the poster. He further said that the application has been given to the local police station and SP and the administration has damaged the security. Right-wing Satya activist Ranjan Bora on Monday filed a police complaint against the Shah Rukh Khan film ‘Pathan’ at Geetanagar police station. The song ‘Besharam Rang’ has featured in ‘Pathan’ videos ever since its release.

Protest in Agra also, poster started

Right-wing organization Muslim Mahasabha protesting against Shah Rukh Khan’s new film ‘Pathan’ threw the found on the posters of the film in Agra on Tuesday and set it ablaze. Hindu Mahasabha leader Sanjay Jat said that the organization will not allow the film ‘Pathan’ to be screened at any cost, while Bajrang Dal state co-coordinator Digvijay Nath Tiwari said that he and his organization’s workers also oppose the film. Police said activists of a right-wing organization reached several cinema halls today and hurled hits at the posters of the film there, taking them as a hoax. After getting the information, the police explained to them at secret places and removed them from there.

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