Shashi Tharoor, cat or salad? UK PM Liz Truss resigns as Twitter seeks new contender

Britain’s Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned on Thursday after 45 days in office amid a political crisis. Known to thrive in such situations, Twitter was full of memes and hot takes.

Truss’s resignation was not unexpected, especially after the economic turmoil following his policies and the backlash from several quarters.

“This morning I met Sir Graham Brady, the chairman of the 1922 Committee. We have agreed that the election of the leadership will be completed within the next week. This will ensure that we meet our financial plans and the economic stability of our country. And stay on track to uphold national security,” Truss announced his resignation in an address outside Downing Street.

Read also: UK Prime Minister Liz Truss resigns after 45 days in office; Election by the end of next week

The reactions on social media were also not unexpected. Days and days of memes floating around Britain’s political crisis have finally reached their final stage.

Read also: Who will replace Liz Truss as the Prime Minister of Britain? List of top 5 contenders, from Rishi Sunak to Jeremy Hunt

And…. The memes continue.

Many Twitter users fantasized with Liz Truss’s memes for a short time.

Read also: Why is Liz Truss in danger of losing the UK prime ministership? News18 explains what went wrong

During her address, Truss admitted that she could not fulfill the mandate to which she was elected. “I agree that in view of this situation, I cannot give the mandate on which I was elected by the Conservative Party. Therefore I have spoken to His Majesty the King to inform that I am resigning as leader of the Conservative Party,” Truss said.

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