‘Show The Excitement’: White House On Biden Being ‘Flooded’ With Request For PM Modi’s State Dinner Invite

New Delhi: The White House on Tuesday said that President Joe Biden is receiving a large number of requests for the state dinner to be hosted for Prime Minister Narendra Modi next month, indicating the “excitement level”. Addressing a press conference, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre also said that Modi’s state visit on June 22 would be an opportunity to reaffirm the “deep and close” partnership between the United States and India.

“I think it’s a good thing. It shows the enthusiasm of the prime minister to be here on June 22,” Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters in response to a question President Biden is getting a ‘flood’ of requests from Indian-Americans Seeking invitations to Modi’s much-anticipated state dinner.

He said that Biden receiving those requests shows why it is ‘important’ to continue America’s partnership with India.

“The President and the First Lady look forward to welcoming Prime Minister Modi for an official state visit,” he said.

The White House Press Secretary also said that this will be an opportunity to reaffirm the deep and close partnership between the United States and India and the ‘warm bonds’ of family and friendship that bind Americans and Indians together .

“This is of great importance to the President. The visit will also reinforce our two countries’ shared commitment to a free, open, prosperous and secure Indo-Pacific and shared resolve to evaluate our strategic technology partnership including defence, clean energy ” And space,” she said.

Read this also | India ‘most critical’ partner to counter China: US lawmaker ahead of PM Modi’s state visit

Earlier last week, Joe Biden reportedly went up to PM Narendra Modi during the Quad meeting in Japan and told him that he would receive a large number of requests from prominent citizens to attend the Indian leader’s events during his state visit to Washington DC. Getting requests.

On this, the US President also asked Modi in a light-hearted manner to take his autograph.

“You’re causing a real problem for me. Next month we have a dinner for you in Washington. Everyone all over the country wants to come. My tickets are sold out. You think I’m kidding? Ask my team. I’m getting the call.” Calls from people I’ve never heard before. Everyone from film actors to relatives. You are very popular,” Joe Biden reportedly told PM Modi.

Echoing a similar view, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese also reportedly said the same They are also finding it difficult to keep up with all the requests they are getting for a community event where Modi spoke on Tuesday.