Side effects of abortion pills: Know these facts before taking abortion pills, how they can be dangerous for your health

Shopping for abortion pills and the morning after pill are different.

Abortion pill side effects: Abortion ie abortion abortion Not only affects the body of women, it also affects them mentally. Abortion (abortion) happens in two ways, one surgical and the other through medicine. However, abortion drugs should not be given to Khani without the advice of a doctor. These medicines also have many side effects. Some side effects are global, while some appear in the long term. In such a situation, if you are thinking of consuming these medicines, then first get information about it.

What is the difference between the morning after pill and the abortion pill?

We talked about this with Dr. Stuti Modi. He told that abortion pills Means abortion and morning after pill are different. Morning after pill is an emergency contraceptive. They are used after unprotected sex. Can be done to prevent pregnancy. These work by preventing fertilization of the egg or preventing the egg from meeting the sperm. There itself abortion pills Is a combination of mifepristone and misoprostol, which is used for the termination of pregnancy…

Waste of abortion | Abortion Pill: How It Works And Its Side Effects

1. Excessive bleeding

By taking the abortion pill, it stops the production of the pregnancy hormone ie progeron. Because of this, it starts coming out separately through the embryo. Because of this, excessive bleeding starts. Usually this bleeding lasts for 10-15 days, while in some cases it can go on for months.

2. Digestive problems

Taking abortion pills can sometimes cause digestive problems. It can also cause abdominal pain and loose motion. Since there is a greater amount of blood external selection from the body, a lot of weakness is felt with the selection of these medicines.,

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3. Dizziness

Due to the side effects of abortion pills, fever can also occur at times and dizziness starts due to weakness. In such a situation, it is necessary to contact the doctor, many times a woman may have to undergo blood transfusion.

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4. Incomplete abortion

Incomplete abortion is also a risk of this medicine, as any part missed can lead to infection and permanent damage to the woman. The physical effects after a miscarriage can vary from woman to woman. Its effects are also seen directly, such as feeling sad or guilt.

(This article is based on a conversation with Dr. Stuti Modi, Gaynaka Group and Obstetrician, Global Cradle Hospital, Karnal.)

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