Sikhs: British Sikh colleague defends Priti Patel’s ‘Sikh separatist extremism’ comments in US think tank speech – Times of India

London: a British Sikh Colleague says that UK Home Secretary Preeti Patel During a speech to a US think tank, it was “correct” to say that “Sikh separatist extremism has created a lot of tension in recent years”.
A video of Patel’s speech to the Heritage Foundation in Washington last November recently surfaced on Twitter, with some Sikhs accusing Daesh and Hamas of posing Sikh extremism as security threats to the UK and US. has been criticized.
but lord ramik rangerA colleague in the House of Lords and president of the British Sikh Association, said Patel as UK Home Secretary was “right to ensure that Britain never becomes a launchpad for terrorists”.
“Every British citizen who has taken an oath of alignment with the Queen must be loyal and work hard to become an asset to the nation. Indulging in criminal activities against any nation is punishable by law. New Nationality Bill With this, they can be removed from the country and their citizenship can be taken away,” he said.
Ranger urges “anti-India Sikhs” to do so Sikh Guru who were “committed to their Mother India and made the supreme sacrifice to preserve the ancient civilization of India”.
“Anti-India Sikhs must learn from Kashmiri terrorists who have been terrorizing their comrades” Kashmir is Nothing has been achieved except hindering the progress of Kashmiris for three decades and causing death and destruction to their fellow civilians,” the ranger said.
He said the present BJP government had nothing to do with the situation in 1984, and that no prime minister had promoted the life and teachings of Sikh gurus at the national and international level before.
“Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has gone ahead to support the Sikhs. Kartarpur corridor is a good example and withdrawal of agriculture bills is another example.
Explaining the context of Sikh extremism, a UK government spokesman said: “The government supports the universal right to freedom of expression. However, there is a balance to be struck and we are clear that this must be done within the law. We Committed to combating those who spread ideas that promote hatred against individuals and communities and work closely with international partners to combat extremism.

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