Six Benefits of Shiuli or Night Jasmine Treating Cold and Fever to Control Diabetes

Shuli leaves are extremely important in Kabiraji and Ayurvedic traditions.

Shuli leaves are extremely important in Kabiraji and Ayurvedic traditions.

Shuli leaves are extremely important in Kabiraji and Ayurvedic traditions.

Shefali or night blooming jasmine is one of the most beautiful and fragrant flowers known to mankind. It holds a special significance for Bengalis as its bloom marks the arrival of Durga Puja and the festive season that accompanies it. Apart from its sweet smell, it is also very useful for humans. Read on to find out how.

Shuli leaves are extremely important in Kabiraji and Ayurvedic traditions. It is highly recommended to include Shiuli leaf extract in your regular diet.

During the transition season between monsoon and autumn, many people catch a cold and develop a fever. In such a situation, consuming Shiuli juice with honey provides relief to a great extent.

The leaves of Shiuli plant are very useful in controlling diabetes. The juice of its leaves is also effective in treating worm related problems in children.

If you do not feel like consuming it due to dietary reasons or as a medicine, then you can consume it as a delicious dish during the rainy season.

Regular consumption of its leaves throughout the year increases immunity.

Apart from its seeds, flowers and eagles, it is also very effective in problems related to hair. Hyacinth seeds typically contain lice and dander-killing agents. Its use as a hair tonic to fight hair fall is widely known. Hyacinth is also effective in preventing premature aging and scalp diseases.

Shiuli has many names in Sanskrit including Shefalika, Parijata, Prayakta and Nishipushpika. In Latin it is called ‘Nyctanthes arbor-tritis’ because it blooms in the evening.

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