Six reasons why India Jodi Yatra is not just a regular political ‘tamasha’

It took a picture for the public to notice the undercurrent started from the India Jodo Yatra. The image of Rahul Gandhi withstanding a torrential downpour and addressing the public, with thousands of people using plastic chairs for cover, listening intently to them, conveyed the message of this visit more than a thousand news stories. done to catch. The journey may not have gone viral yet, but this picture has surfaced.

This indicates a subtle shift in the public’s response to the campaign. The start of the India pair journey was very slow. When we started from Kanyakumari on 7th September, we were faced with ignorance, cynicism and apprehensions. I remember a senior journalist called to check if it was really a padyatra. No one knew what this journey was. ‘Will these Congress leaders really walk? Is Rahul Gandhi going to join the yatra sometime? Or is he really walking all the way?’ ‘Won’t Congress’s Yatra Become a Road Show’? Spectacle: worst?’ I remember the day before I left for the trip, I went to meet some of my close family friends. They were clearly apprehensive. “Yogendra” YesYou are putting your reputation at risk. We know you are not joining the Congress, but isn’t any affiliation with this party the kiss of death?” He asked.

Read also: In the end, it is Rahul Gandhi to whom India can relate

‘Something Positive’ Is a Beginning

Something has changed in the first month of India Jodi Yatra. It is too early to call this a change in the national mood. But there is no doubt that the journey has started “something positive”, an expression I have heard over and over again. Here are six reasons why India Jodi Yatra hasn’t become just a regular political one Spectacle:,

Firstly, this is not just a reactive campaign, but something positive and proactive. It is after a very long time that the principle national opposition has actively initiated something on the ground, that it has attempted to set the agenda, that someone has forced the Bharatiya Janata Party to be reactive. It is not entirely coincidental that within the first month of the yatra, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has gone out of its way to engage with Muslim intellectuals and express concerns about unemployment, poverty and inequality – only they Issues raised during this visit. As in football, so in politics: possession of the ball matters. Even the Congress troubles in Rajasthan could not derail or erase the positivity of the Bharat Jodi Yatra after a couple of days.

Second, it’s not just a journey – it’s a walk. Walking is a political action with deep cultural resonance. A pedestal involves suffering and has a grammar to affirm one’s beliefs. Be it the Kanwar Yatra, the Amarnath Yatra, the Narmada Yatra, or one of the hundreds of social and political journeys in India, the Yatra bridges the gap between the walker and the witness.

The virtual public becomes a perverted participant. Above all, hiking is an underground form of communication: it speaks by doing.

Third, it is not just a virtual resistance. It involves feet on the ground, a physical display of strength. Since the legitimacy of the BJP-RSS establishment rests on its claim of public support, any act of resistance must be a show of force on the ground. Since every critic is made to appear alone, a crowd is needed to express solidarity. Thousands of people marching together in the street is a powerful protest. when Parliament has been silenced, you need to create noise street,

Fourth, it is not just the gathering crowd; The visit has received genuine public response. There is no doubt that the Congress party and its leaders, including ticket contenders, have mobilized a large number of participants. But while traveling across three states on India Jodi Journey, I have seen all the colors and tones of the rainbow of smiles. It would be difficult to understand the mind behind every smile, but it is clear to me that the journey has generated hope. Aside from those who are physically involved to join or support the journey, there is a wider circle of praise and support. This is the reason why many attempts to sabotage the journey of BJP’s IT cell have failed.

Fifth, it is not just about secularism. The Bharat Jodi Yatra has spread its message about the many forms of unity that is needed today and has managed to bring to the fore the most important issues of the economy. Rahul Gandhi’s daily speech is generally about the need for unity across multiple divisions of caste, language and religion. His criticism of the Narendra Modi government brings this to the fore but is not limited to the politics of hate against Muslims. He has consistently and aggressively raised the issues of unemployment, inflation, demonetisation, Goods and Services Tax (GST), and general misgovernance. This is one of the few attempts by any mainstream political leader to counter crony capitalism. Developing her message without falling into the trap of waiting for the journey.

And finally, it’s not just Congress. The Bharat Jodi Yatra is supported by several mass movements and organizations, public intellectuals as well as prominent citizens who have had little association with the Congress in the past. (The author has been actively associated with this coordination.) Those who do not usually hold political positions or are known to support the Congress party have come out in the open this time. It should not be mistaken for affiliation with the Congress or allegiance to its leadership. It reaffirms the spirit of ‘Bharat Jodi’ and reaffirms the moral impulse of this journey.

On Tuesday, I met the same family friends who had warned me of putting my reputation at stake. This time he was relieved. ,something is happening“, his smile spoke louder than his words. “Yes,” I agreed, “as long as we don’t mistake an undercurrent for a wave. Photo still left,

Yogendra Yadav is one of the founders of Jai Kisan Andolan and Swaraj India. Thoughts are personal.

(Edited by Likes)