Six-year-old girl hit by school bus

A six-year-old UKG student of a private school on the outskirts of Kanakapura died after coming under the wheels of a school bus on Monday.

The deceased Rakshita, a student of Sri Sai International School and Swamy’s daughter from Siddanahalli, was returning home in the bus when the accident occurred.

According to the police, Rakshita was sitting on the front seat near the door. The attendant who dropped off some students forgot to close the door.

The driver suddenly applied the brakes at the curve. As a result, Rakshita lost her balance and fell out of the bus through the open door and came under the wheels, police said.

Seeing the accident, passers-by raised an alarm to stop the bus and pulled out Rakshita and took her to the hospital, where she was declared brought dead. Sensing the ruckus, the driver and attendant ran away.

Kanakapura rural police have registered a case of rash and negligent driving against the driver and attendant and efforts are on to nab them.