Skin Care Tips: 5 Summer Coolers That Will Nourish Your Skin From Inside

If you think that it is only winter season that dries up our skin, then you are absolutely wrong. Heat can also be quite harmful for our skin. Check it out – Just when you thought turning on the AC gave you a respite from the scorching heat, you’ll see your skin dealing with pimples and rashes. Let’s agree- we all have faced this situation at some point or the other. Have you ever wondered about the reason behind these skin related problems?! It occurs due to imbalance of oil and water in our body due to excessive sweating and dehydration. While we cannot deny the importance of sunscreens and face masks to promote skin health, it is always advised that we pay extra attention to our diet (here, skin nutrition). And the first thing to remember for a healthy diet is to drink plenty of water and other healthy drinks. A well balanced water level in our body does half the job uninterruptedly.

Keeping the above factors in mind, we have handpicked some summer drinks which are cool and delicious, and will help you get well-nourished and glowing skin from within. let’s take a look.

(Also read: Summer Skin Care Tips: Follow These 10 Tips For A Glowing Skin,

Here are 5 summer coolers to help boost your skin health:

Common page:

For many of us, summer and aam panna go hand in hand. Raw mango, roasted, blended and blended with desi spices and water – aam panna is instantly heartwarming. Also it is good for your health as well. Thanks to the ingredients, the drink is loaded with vitamins A, C and beta-carotene that help protect our skin from sun damage. Click here for the recipe.

Aam Panna is one of the most popular summer drinks.

Mango Kulukki:

Here we bring to you another popular raw mango drink from the land of Kerala. For those unaware, ‘Kulukki’ in Malayalam means to move. Here, the ingredients are stirred, not stirred, to make the drink. Simply put, it is a ‘shaken’ mango-based lemonade that tastes oh-so-delicious. Click here for the recipe.

Komal (Gujarat Chaas):

We love chaas and it definitely needs no introduction. Made with curd, water and spices, it makes a healthy and refreshing drink during summers. Keeping the popularity in mind, we bring here the Gujarati version of the drink – and it is called Komal. Click here for the recipe.

Lemon-coconut water:

Coconut water is loaded with nutrients and goodness – and its daily intake reflects our skin and overall health. What about adding some lemon and mint to it? Yes, we have brought for you a cooler that enhances the taste of coconut water by adding lemon, mint and a little honey. Click here for the recipe,

Cucumber Lemonade:

Another healthy and cooling drink, Cucumber Lemonade contains both the cooling effect of cucumber and the nutrients of lemon juice in it. This drink is loaded with antioxidants and Vitamin C which helps in purifying our skin from within. Click here for the recipe.


Cucumber lemonade is rich in antioxidants.

Now that you have got the remedies for healthy skin during summers, what are you waiting for? Add these beverages to your diet and enjoy a healthy and happy summer season.

But always remember, moderation is the key!