Slap Day 2023: Coming out of a terrible relationship? 5 Ways You Can Take Out Your Anger

Ending a relationship is never easy, especially if there has been trauma, injury, or betrayal. (Image: shutterstock)

While it may sound harsh, Slap Day is a lighthearted day and should not be used as justification to hurt others.

Valentine’s week is over. And if you’re wondering what about those of you who don’t love Valentine’s Day or are single, here’s the answer: Anti-Valentine’s Week. Yes, the week starts with Slap Day from 15th February and ends with Break-up Day on 21st February.

You might be holding on to anger and resentment about the breakup and feel the urge to lash out, but, instead, you can choose to vent your anger in a better way, like revenge. So that in the end you can forget your ex.

Ending a relationship is never easy, especially if there has been trauma, injury, or betrayal. But after a certain point of time you have to move on in your life. You have to give yourself a chance to recover. Instead of hurting someone physically, here’s how you can work on your pent up feelings.

talk to your friend

Instead of suppressing your feelings, seek help from your friends. Talk to them about how you feel. Talking to someone will help you work out your feelings and make you feel better. Your friends may come up with solutions or just lend an ear.

journal it

Pick up your phone or your diary, and let your feelings flow in the form of words. Write how you feel, list the things you’re grateful for, or simply doodle. Whatever helps you find an outlet.

excuse yourself

If your partner cheated on you or hurt you, it may not have been your fault. It was not wrong to trust him. It’s easy to blame yourself for getting your heartbroken, but you need to heal from the emotional wound. Find ways to forgive yourself. You might consider guided meditation or you can seek help from a mental health professional.

engage yourself in physical activity

Get your body moving. Be it dancing, swimming, yoga, cycling or kickboxing, work up a sweat with some workouts. Physical activity can help you release your anger and keep your mood under control. At the same time, you can stay healthy and burn calories.

Resist the Urge to Talk to Your Ex

You might want to close. Maybe you want to give them a piece of your mind. Or maybe you just want to hear them apologize. No matter what the reason, resist the urge to talk to your ex. If they text or call you apologizing and want you back in their life, don’t answer. Take as much time as you need to heal and manage your emotions first. When you feel like you’re in control, you can probably negotiate.

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