Smart commerce: Amazon launches initiative to ‘digital shop’: Key details – Times of India

at its major annual summit Amazon Possible, Amazon India announced the launch of smart commerce – A new initiative to convert local stores intodigital shop, According to the e-commerce giant, smart commerce will allow local stores digitize their offline operations to provide their walk-in customers a better in-store shopping experience and build their own online Storefront to serve customers directly.
In the coming weeks, SmartCommerce will release its first set of solutions to help local stores digitize billing and inventory management. This will be followed by the launch of capabilities that enable them to build their own online storefront within minutes, and serve their customers through a voice and chat-based shopping experience, Amazon says.
Amit Agarwal, SVP, India & Emerging Markets, Amazon, said, “Today, we are excited to launch Smart Commerce, which will enable any store to become a truly digital shop, and provide the best of service to customers. heroine No matter where they are – in your physical store, directly through your online storefront, or on We are just getting started and are committed to our pledge to digitize 10 million small businesses by 2025.”