Soft Power Projection Tool of Buddhism, India

Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Global Buddhist Summit in New Delhi | Photo Credit: ANI

It is very important for India to host the two-day Global Buddhist Summit in New Delhi (April 20-21), which was organized by the Ministry of Culture in association with the International Buddhist Confederation. The summit saw the participation of prominent figures from the global Buddhist community including the Dalai Lama. At the same summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized the continuing relevance of Buddha’s teachings in today’s world. The summit was an important opportunity for India to project and connect with the Buddhist population across the world, thereby strengthening the country’s soft power.

India’s efforts so far

The Government of India is actively investing in its Buddhist diplomacy efforts with a focus on promoting tourism through the development of “Buddhist Tourism Circuits”. In addition, Mr Modi has also decided to visit Buddhist sites during his South East and East Asian visits. By hosting such a high-profile event, the Government of India hopes to demonstrate its commitment to preserving and promoting Buddhist culture and heritage, as well as strengthening ties with the global Buddhist community. With its strong historical and cultural ties to Buddhism, India is well positioned to play a leading role in shaping the discourse around Buddhist issues on the global stage.

Against the backdrop of the Russia-Ukraine crisis, Mr Modi said, “India has given the world not ‘war’ but ‘Buddha’.” This is in line with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s earlier statement that ‘this is not an era of war’. The theme of the Delhi Summit, “Responding to Contemporary Challenges: Philosophy for Practice”, also highlights India’s efforts to provide an alternative to contentious global politics with ethics as a guiding principle.

Buddhist diplomacy has the potential to promote regional cohesion, given that approximately 97% of the global Buddhist population is located in Asia. During the Cold War, China effectively used Buddhist diplomacy to engage with its neighbors, and continues to employ this approach to gain legitimacy for its Belt and Road Initiative. As India and China compete to dominate the Buddhist heritage as a tool of soft power, India holds an advantage because of the faith’s origins in the country. However, despite being home to several prominent Buddhist sites such as Bodh Gaya, Sarnath, and Kushinagar, India has struggled to attract Buddhist tourists, who favor sites in Thailand and Cambodia.

Guiding Principles, China Factor

India’s efforts to position itself as a great power committed to cooperation rather than coercion are rooted in deep historical and cultural ties to the region. The current government’s guiding principles for foreign policy, the Panchamrit principles, include “culture and civilization”, meaning cultural and civilizational links, which were highlighted during the Delhi Summit, which was attended by South Korea, Thailand, Cambodia, Japan, A diverse group of 171 foreign delegates were seen. , and Taiwan, along with 150 delegates from Indian Buddhist organizations. Also in attendance were prominent scholars, union leaders and practitioners of religion. Through such efforts, India hopes to strengthen its image as a responsible global power committed to peaceful cooperation and regional stability. By emphasizing cultural and civilizational links, India seeks to foster greater understanding and cooperation among nations and the unique role it can play in shaping the future of the region.

India recognizes the importance of Buddhism as a means of conducting public diplomacy and uses it to its advantage. However, more action is needed to maintain its edge over China. China is actively seeking to exercise control over the appointment of the next Dalai Lama, which would deal a blow to India’s efforts to project its soft power through Buddhism. India must work to ensure that it remains a major player in the global Buddhist community.

To further strengthen its Buddhist diplomacy, India should continue to promote Buddhism at the highest levels of government, as well as organize cultural events to showcase the country’s rich Buddhist history. The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) can play an important role in promoting such events within and outside India. Additionally, India should work to strengthen its ties with prominent Buddhist institutions and leaders around the world. The Delhi Summit was a step in the right direction, providing a valuable opportunity for cultural exchange and exchange of ideas.

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India also needs to use the reach of Bollywood to promote its Buddhist heritage. China, with its influence over Hollywood, has completely dominated the narrative around Buddhism through cinema. In contrast, India lags behind in this area; No attempt has been made through cinema. India’s G-20 presidency this year can be used to promote Buddhist diplomacy on a large scale through various cultural meetings, especially Buddhist teachings. The motto of India’s G-20 presidency, ‘One Earth, One family, one future’.

Since Buddha was the first diplomat of peace, his teachings of peace and cooperation can become a guiding light for Indian diplomacy in this difficult time on the world stage.

Abhishek Srivastava is Assistant Professor of Diplomacy and Disarmament, Center for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament (CIPOD), School of International Studies (SIS), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Kartike Garg is a Master’s student in International Relations and Area Studies, School of International Studies (SIS), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.