Solomon Islands: US will ‘reply’ if China maintains military base on Solomon Islands: W House – Times of India

WASHINGTON: The United States warned on Friday that it would “react accordingly” if China establishes a military base on a strategic basis. solomon islands After the small Pacific state signed a security agreement with Beijing.
white House said a high-level US delegation had told the leadership of the Solomon Islands that the recently signed agreement has “potential regional security implications” for Washington and its allies.
The White House said, “If steps are taken to establish a genuine permanent military presence, power-launching capabilities, or a military installation, the delegation noted that the United States will have significant concerns and will respond accordingly.” ”
National Security Council Indo-Pacific Coordinator Kurt Campbell And Daniel Krittenbrink, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, led the delegation, which also included Pentagon officials, this week to the US states of Hawaii, then Fiji, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.
Solomon The stop came after China confirmed the sealing of a broader security pact seen in Washington as part of a fight for diplomatic influence and strategic position on the Pacific and its trade routes.
Solomon’s Prime Minister Manasseh Sogaware has sought to reassure Washington and close ally Australia that China’s deal does not include setting up a military base.
According to the White House statement, “Sogaware reiterated his specific assurances that there will be no military base, no long-term presence, and no power launch capability, as he has publicly stated.”
“The United States emphasizes that it will closely follow developments in consultation with regional partners,” the statement said.
The White House said that during a 90-minute meeting with Sogaware and two dozen members of his cabinet and senior staff, US officials discussed expanding “people-to-people ties” to the US embassy, ​​health aid, vaccine distribution and . ,