Sonu Sood shares screenshot of over 52,000 unread emails in his inbox; View Netizens Reactions

Image Source : Instagram/Sonu Sood

Sonu Sood shares screenshot of over 52,000 emails in his inbox

Bollywood actor Sonu Sood, who has been involved in several COVID-19 relief efforts since last year, recently shared a screenshot of his mailbox. On Saturday, Sood shared a screenshot of his e-mail account on his Twitter account, which had over 52,000 emails in his inbox. Going round the mails received, Sonu wrote in Hindi, “Hope.. Faith.. Prayers.. What more do you need in life”.

Have a look:

The actor is trying to help as many people as possible amid the COVID-19 pandemic with his philanthropic work. From airlifting people stranded at different places, delivering oxygen cylinders to helping the needy, setting up oxygen plants – Sonu is doing it all.

Soon after Sonu’s tweet, netizens started sharing screenshots of his unread mails.

Sonu shared a screenshot of his mailbox, days after the Income Tax department swooped down on him and his business associates. The IT department without naming him pointed the needle of suspicion – an alleged tax evasion of around Rs 20 crore by him and other dubious deals with his business partners pegged at Rs 240 crore.

Responding to the incident, Sonu gave his statement on Twitter on Monday. “You don’t always need to tell your side of the story. The time will come,” he said, starting philosophically and ending poetically with patriotism.

In a tangible reference to the Sood Charity Foundation being targeted by the IT department, he declared: “Every rupee of my foundation is waiting its turn to save a precious life and reach out to the needy. … Also, On several occasions, I have encouraged brands to donate my support fees to humanitarian causes as well, which keeps us going.”

Clarifying his silence over the past few days, as IT officials searched at least 28 premises of Sood and his business associates across India, sniffing out evidence of tax evasion, the actor said: “I am among some of the guests. I have been busy joining so was unable to serve you from last four days. Here I am back again with complete humility. In your humble service, for a lifetime.” Giving a poetic twist to his plight, he said: “Kar bhala, ho bhala, ant bhala ka bhala (Be good, do good, the end is always good for good people. My journey continues. Jai Hind.”

On the professional front, Sonu will be seen in the Chiranjeevi-starrer upcoming Telugu film ‘Acharya’. He also has ‘Prithviraj’ co-starring Akshay Kumar, is in process


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