Sony gives an early look at PlayStation VR2 features, here’s what’s new – Times of India

Sony Leaving no stone unturned to promote your upcoming PlayStation VR2, The second generation PlayStation VR is expected to debut later this year. Sony is teasing PS VR2 For a long time. In June, the company announced a few exclusive titles for the upcoming virtual reality console, and now we have an early glimpse at some of its features.
In the latest blog post, Sony revealed some of the features of the upcoming PlayStation VR2. The PS VR2 will offer new user interface features not present in the previous generation of PS VR, including broadcast mode, see-through mode, and a customized playing area. PS VR2 will offer two different modes – VR and Cinematic.
One of the great features coming to PS VR2 will be that you can broadcast yourself while playing. This feature will allow players to stream their actions in the real world along with the gameplay. However, you’ll need the PS5 HD camera, which retails separately.
Another great feature of the PS VR2 is the see-through view. So, the PS VR2 will have front cameras, and using them, you’ll be able to see where your controllers are without removing the headset. Players can switch between viewing the surroundings or viewing content using the function buttons on the headset or card in the Control Center. Sadly, you can’t record anything in see-through mode.
The cameras on the headset, along with the PS VR2 Sense controllers, can also be used to create a customized play area. Cameras scan the room, and with controllers, you can adjust the playing area based on how you want it. Therefore, whenever you get close to the limit, you will get a warning saying “You are approaching the limit of the playing area.” Plus, you can set up different play areas for different rooms.
Last but not least, PS VR2 will offer a VR Mode And a cinematic mode So that players can enjoy both sports and media content with the headset. In VR mode, content will be displayed in a 360-degree virtual environment in 4000×2040 HDR format with a 90/120 Hz frame rate. Meanwhile, Cinematic Mode will display virtual games on the PS5 system, UI, and game or non-game content on the Virtual Cinema screen. Cinematic Mode supports 1920×1080 HDR video format at 24/60/120 Hz frame rates.
There’s no word on PlayStation VR2 availability or pricing. But, we can expect Sony to reveal more in the coming months. Sony is reportedly targeting a holiday 2022 for the PS VR2, which means it could arrive by the end of this year.

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