Soothe cough and sore throat with easy to make ginger-honey-lemon drops at home

Do you remember how our mother or grandmother had so many home remedies to cure cold and flu in winters? As the temperature drops, our body reacts in many ways, and at times makes us feel sick with cold, cough and other common ailments. That’s when our elders used to give us foods made from ginger, honey or lemon because of their medicinal properties. So, if you are looking for one such remedy to get rid of a sore throat or cough, Chef Pankaj Bhadauria has a recipe for ginger, honey and lemon drops.

(Also read: Drink this four-ingredient healing drink to fight cold and flu this winter,

Here’s how you can make it at home:


1) Ginger – 1

2) Lemon – 1

3) Sugar – cup

4) Honey – 2 tbsp

How to make Ginger-Honey-Lemon Drops?

1) First of all grate ginger and extract its juice through a sieve. Keep it aside.

2) Grease a plate with some oil and keep it aside. Take a pan and heat it. Add about half a cup of sugar and keep stirring till it melts. Turn off the flame.

3) Now, add about 2 tablespoons of extracted ginger juice followed by equal amount of honey and about one tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix it well.

4) Then keep filling the spoons of the prepared mixture and drop them on the greased plate at different distances. After sometime you will see that the drops have become solid. You can pack them in a transparent wrapper just like other toffees.

(Also read: How gram flour helps in curing cold and cough effectively,

Check out Chef Pankaj Bhadauria’s recipe here:

Homemade dishes are always clean and healthy. Chef Pankaj Bhadauria shares such useful recipes from time to time. A while back, she showed how to make paneer at home so that you don’t have to depend on packaged items from the market that are loaded with preservatives. Click to know how to make Paneer at home Here,

Apart from the recipes, Chef Pankaj Bhadauria also shares tips on various kitchen related activities. A few months back, he shared the correct technique of deep frying food. In an Instagram post, she wrote, “Golden Rules of Deep Frying,” and shared a video. So, the next time you crave that pakoras or a bowl of french fries, check out Chef Pankaj Bhadauria’s deep-frying tips. Click Here To know more about this.

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