Spatial audio: Google may add this Apple-inspired feature to Pixel 6 Pro – Times of India

Google Apple-inspired feature may be ready for Pixel 6 Pro smart fone. According to Mishal Rahman of, the files found inside earlier Android Hints at the possibility of a 13 beta build Audio feature similar to Applelocal sound. This spatial effect will most likely work by using software to amplify the sound when the music is being played. Pixel 6 Pro via headphones that come with Hi-Res audio support.

Although it is part of the Android 13 beta, spatial effects are not fully enabled yet. Is Google planning to introduce this feature Pixel Same for 6 and 6 Pro models or other Pixel devices? We cannot say for sure. Based on the Android 13 beta build reveal, Google may also plan to introduce support for this audio effect with its Pixel Buds models.
If such a feature comes to Pixel phones, it will be a bonus for those going for Pixel devices. And this will be a good move in the premium segment. But to attract new customers, more than the audio feature will be needed. If Google normally releases the feature as a part of Android 13, it is going to benefit the company more as it will be able to make the service available to all Android users. We’ll have to wait for the full release of Android 13 later this year to know more.