Special: Add these foods to your diet to stay warm during winter

New Delhi: As the temperature drops and cold waves affect us, the most important thing we can do at this time is to warm ourselves with healthy, nutritious and warming foods.

According to ancient Ayurvedic science, winter is considered the season of Kapha and Vata – the season of cold, lethargy and dryness. So ideally, your diet should include things that balance both these doshas to help you enjoy the winter months.

Uma Prasad, GM at Sowparnika Retail Pvt Ltd, with over 20 years of experience in organic food and agro stocks below foods to eat during cold months.

Dried fruits, nuts and seeds

Rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants, dry fruits like almonds, raisins, cashews, pistachios and walnuts are a must eat in winters. You can add them to your breakfast cereals, use them in smoothies and your salads. In winters, we tend to get more hungry, so dry fruits are a great snacking option instead of traditional snacking options.


Include spices like black pepper, asafoetida and fenugreek, turmeric, cinnamon, sesame in your diet.

While spices like hing are great for digestion, spices like black pepper, turmeric and cinnamon help promote blood circulation, contain antioxidants and boost your immunity to help you fight off cold-related ailments. promote.

hot tea

Think cold, think hot tea. And what could be better than spiced with basil and ginger to make you all feel warm and nourished. While ginger helps soothe a sore throat, basil is packed with antiviral and antibacterial properties.


A healthy alternative to refined white sugar, jaggery is rich in vitamin C. A great source of minerals ranging from iron to potassium, jaggery is packed with antioxidants to strengthen your immune system. It is believed to help keep your body warm by dilating blood vessels and helping to soothe a sore throat!


Think winter, think honey. Not only is it a great alternative to refined sugar, it is also packed with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and is packed with antioxidants! Considered a great immunity booster, honey can be enjoyed in many ways in winter, whether as part of a soothing tea, drizzled over fruits, used in desserts or just drunk with warm milk every night. Goes – a grandma’s top remedy for keeping you warm!

Root vegetables, greens, citrus fruits

Whether it’s carrots, beans, or spinach, root vegetables and greens are a must-have in your winter diet. They are rich in vitamin C and beta carotene. And be it oranges or guavas, make sure you include these vitamin C-filled fruits in your diet!

whole grain cereals

Millets are a must eat in winters because of their warming properties – rich in fiber, they help keep you satiated for longer and also boosts your energy levels. Make these superfoods like barnyard millet, quinoa, foxtail millet and ragi a part of your diet, whether in salads, as a substitute for rice, in batters and even in desserts.


Nothing makes a meal more satisfying than a hot dollop of ghee! Healthy fats like ghee help promote digestion, keep your joints lubricated, and keep you nourished and warm.

So load up on these hot foods as you do this winter season.

(Disclaimer: This content is for general information purposes only and is not a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Please consult your doctor for any nutritional advice).
