Special event to mark the anniversary of the founding of Auroville

Auroville has launched a variety of events to commemorate the anniversary of its founding on Monday, February 28, 1968. A ‘Divya Phool’ exhibition, which opened at Savitri Bhavan on February 21, the birthday of its founder Meera Alfasa (The Mother), continues till the foundation day. Auroville said in a press note that the exhibit features a variety of cut flowers, all of relevant spiritual significance, as expressed by The Mother herself. This foundation day also coincides with the 150th birth anniversary year of Sri Aurobindo. Auroville said a high-level committee, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has been set up for the nationwide celebrations in August. During the 75th Independence Day celebrations last year, Auroville began a one-year 150th birth anniversary celebrations for Sri Aurobindo, largely centered on the theme ‘Sri Aurobindo: A Force in Action (1872–2022)’. As per tradition, Sri Aurobindo’s Independence Day message (written for All India Radio, Tiruchi and broadcast on August 14, 1947) was played on the occasion in the akhada near the Matrimandir. ,
The run-up to the Foundation Day will feature silent meditation sessions, music concerts and dance performances, tree planting and the cleaning of the Crown Corridor around the Matrimandir. Among the highlights are an exhibition at the Unity Pavilion on French architect Roger Anger, who came up with the skyline plan for the township that was approved by The Mother, and a series of webinars on his life and The Auroville Charter.
