“Speed ​​and strength”: video of cheetah chasing its prey at high speed goes viral

In the video, the cheetah can be seen running at an incredible speed.

The magnificent cheetah is known for its high speed, reaching a speed of 100 kmph in just three seconds. It’s always fascinating to see the extreme lengths a big cat can reach to hunt down its prey. A cheetah hunt has been captured beautifully in a video that is going viral on the internet. Dubbed as the fastest land animal on the planet, the cheetah is able to reach great speeds due to a unique and flexible spine, which allows for extreme flexibility and extension when running at high speeds.

The viral tweet has been shared with a one-line caption in Spanish.Velocidad y Fuerza“, which when translated into English means “speed and power”.

The 17-second undated clip shows the cheetah taking a long leap to catch the reptile. Despite the high speed, the big cat stops almost immediately upon catching its prey.

The location of the clip is not known. But since being shared, it has been viewed 2.43 lakh times and retweeted over 3,000 times.

Users were stunned by the Cheetah’s capabilities and the distance it covered in less time.

“This is speed,” commented one user. “Unbelievable,” tweeted another.

According to National Geographic, a cheetah can cover a distance of seven to eight meters (23 to 26 feet) in one stride. It doesn’t roar like lions and other big cats, but they do roar.

Unlike most cats, cheetahs hunt in the early morning and late afternoon. These carnivores eat small antelope, including springbok, steinbok, duikers, impala, and gazelles, as well as the young of larger animals, such as warthog, kudu, hartebeest, oryx, roan, and sable. The cheetah also hunts game birds and rabbits.

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