Spot the fake apple hidden in this optical illusion in 7 seconds

Last Update: March 02, 2023, 18:24 IST

Counterfeit fruit is hidden in plain sight with others.

Although the apples may look alike to you, there is one apple among the rest that is fake in this picture.

Optical illusions are fascinating puzzles that test your ingenuity, and they are found in abundance on social media for you to practice. Resolving these optical illusions can increase your ability to focus and develop new skills. These puzzles are a form of brain exercise which makes you more attentive. Although they may seem easy at first glance, they are hard to solve when you are given a time limit. If you want to improve your cognitive and observational skills then you should work on solving optical illusions. Here is another mind-boggling optical illusion challenge that has once again piqued people’s interest.

In this creative optical illusion illustration, you can see a series of colorful half-eaten apples in the picture. Even though the apples may look alike to you, there is one apple among the rest that is a fake. Counterfeit fruit is hidden in plain sight with others. All you have to do is spot the apple within 7 seconds.

If you count, you will get forty half-eaten apples in the picture. Illustrator has done a great job of positioning the fake apple in such a way that the problem solver will have little trouble finding it. Not only children but adults also get confused at the image, scratching their heads to find the solution.

Before we share the answer with you, here is a small hint. Of the forty apples, pay more attention to the far right corner of the optical illusion. Now, notice the fine detail of each fruit, especially the area where the apple is cut in half. did you find it?

If yes, then congratulations! And if not then there is nothing to be disappointed. Practicing this type of optical illusion on a daily basis will definitely make you an expert in these puzzles. Now, time for the post revelation. Notice the second to last apple from the second row of the picture? It is a fake apple, because the part where the fruit is eaten looks smooth and polished, unlike the rest.

Did you know that one of the best ways to solve an optical illusion is to move your eyes from left to right and then in the opposite direction? You’re welcome to use this trick the next time you solve an optical illusion.

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