Sri Lanka crisis: President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s proposal is rejected, anti-government incident continues: 10 big things

position of government

Sri Lanka Crisis: How to deal with the economic crisis. Later president Rajapaksa completed all presentations to become a member.

10 dangerous from the economy of crisis

  1. It will be included in the government of President Gotabay Rajapaksa. MOA

  2. President Raje has made the membership of the membership permanent.

  3. is in a position to announce.

  4. The economic situation is made up for the economic situation related to the economic situation for the lack of foreign exchange.

  5. Adit Cabral bestowed the title ‘Mane’ on the country’s central bank sector, preparing the environment to deal with the crisis.

  6. President Gotabaya Rajapakse and elder brother Priyam Mahinda Raje Bhete give all 26 new to the Speaker.

  7. India announced the declaration of crisis for solutions to deal with the economic crisis.

  8. A curfew of 336 hrs has been imposed on Saturday. Pashanami diplomats in Colombo have expressed concern over the compliance of the emergency law.

  9. The protests against the government intensify, banning social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and YouTube. Still, be clean on social media.

  10. The most dangerous demanding was going bad in 1948. ,