Sri Lanka News: Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa flees as protesters attack his home; key point | World News – Times of India

New Delhi: Thousands of protesters Sri LankaThe commercial capital of Colombo attacked the President by breaking police barricades Gotabaya RajapakseGovernment residence on Saturday. Facing unprecedented agitation, the President on Saturday told the Speaker that he would resign on July 13.

Meanwhile, PM Ranil Wickremesinghe said that he is ready to resign and form an all-party government. He will serve as PM till his successor is named.

The island of 22 million people is grappling with a severe foreign exchange crunch that has limited essential imports of fuel, food and medicine, plunging it into its worst financial turmoil in seven decades.

Here are the latest developments:
President will resign on July 13: Speaker
Parliament Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abhayawardene said on Saturday night that President Gotabaya Rajapaksa would resign on July 13.
President Rajapaksa informed the Speaker about the decision when Abhaywardhan wrote a letter asking for his resignation after the all-party leaders’ meeting on Saturday evening. Abhaywardene wrote a letter to Rajapaksa on the decisions taken in the meeting.

Party leaders had called for the immediate resignation of Rajapaksa and his prime minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe, to give way to acting president until Abhaywardene was appointed as parliament’s successor.
Wickremesinghe has already expressed his desire to resign.
Rajapaksa replied to his letter, saying he would step down on July 13.
Protesters set fire to Sri Lankan PM’s house
A group of protesters on Saturday entered the private residence of Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and set fire to the government’s resignation, hours after he offered to resign to make way for an all-party government amid unprecedented protests in the country. Gave. Under the leadership of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

Protesters entered 73-year-old Wickremesinghe’s house on 5th lane in Colombo and set the place on fire after a tense situation broke out between protesters and security forces on the ground. It was not immediately clear whether he was inside at the time of the attack.
Officials said that despite tear gas shells being fired to disperse the protesters, they broke into his house and set the house on fire.

Videos posted online showed protesters rejoicing after setting a house on fire.
PM Wickremesinghe to resign
Just hours after protesters stormed the president’s official residence, Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said he would resign to make way for an all-party government.

He tweeted, “To ensure the continuity of the government including the safety of all citizens, I accept today the best recommendation of the party leaders to make way for an all-party government. To facilitate this, I resign as Prime Minister.” Will give,” he tweeted. ,
The statement comes after intensifying anti-government protests, in which President Gotabaya Rajapaksa was evacuated before protesters stormed his residence on Saturday.
Sri Lankan leaders fled as protesters entered the house
Mr. LankaPresident Gotabaya Rajapaksa fled his official residence on Saturday, before protesters stormed and stormed the compound.

As soon as the protesters gathered at the President’s Gate PalaceA top defense source told AFP on condition of anonymity that until Rajapaksa was safely removed, soldiers guarding the compound opened fire in the air to stem the tide.

“The President was rescued safely,” the source said. “He’s still the president, he’s being guarded by a military unit.”
In pictures: Sri Lankan protesters storm the President’s house
Sri Lankan protesters angry over economic slowdown
Video footage from local TV news channel NewsFirst channel showed some protesters carrying Sri Lankan flags and helmets entered the President’s residence. In both places, military personnel and police were unable to stop the crowd as they raised slogans asking President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to step down.
Two Defense Ministry sources said President Rajapaksa was removed from his official residence on Friday for his safety ahead of the weekend rally.

After the President’s escape, the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka called an immediate cabinet meeting
His office said in a statement that Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe called an emergency meeting of party leaders to discuss the situation and seek a speedy solution. He has also requested the Speaker to convene Parliament, the statement said.
A government source told Reuters that Wickremesinghe had also been moved to a safer place.

Many injured in clashes between anti-government protesters
At least 34 people, including two police officers, were injured in the scuffle as they tried to enter the residence of the protesters. An official of the Colombo National Hospital said on condition of anonymity that two of the injured were in critical condition, while the others had minor injuries as they were not authorized to speak to the media.
Top lawyers’ body questions Rajapaksa’s ability to stay in power
Sri Lanka’s influential lawyers’ body questioned President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s ability to function and remain in power on Saturday after thousands of anti-government protesters stormed his official residence in central Colombo to demand his resignation.
Web portal Lanka First, citing the Bar Association’s statement on Saturday, said, “The Bar Association of Sri Lanka called upon President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to consider whether he could fulfill his obligations and powers and duties as President of Sri Lanka. can continue to do so.” ,
(with agency input)watch Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa flees after storming protesters’ residence