Staging of ‘Usha Parinayam’ in Kuchipudi-Yakshagana style

From ‘Usha Parinayam’ | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Sit mesmerized for two hours at the KT Mohammed Memorial Theater in Thrissur to watch the animated performance of 12 dancers who enact ‘Usha Parinayam’ in Kuchipudi Yakshagana style. Interestingly, many of them did not realize that they were witnessing a historic situation as the art form was being presented for the first time outside the famous village in Andhra Pradesh. In addition the dancers were all girls, as against the traditional performers who were all male Brahmins.

“It is the result of efforts under the guidance of Guru Pashumarthi Rattaiah Sharma, who is keen to popularize this century-old dance drama, which is on the verge of extinction due to unavailability of dancers in its native country. said Srilakshmi Govardhanan, Kuchipudi dancer and director of Thrissur-based ‘Avantika’.

From 'Usha Parinayam' in Yakshagana style

From ‘Usha Parinayam’ in Yakshagana style. Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

The leitmotif of the play is the union of Usha, daughter of the powerful Asura king Banasura, and Aniruddha, grandson of Krishna. It consists of two parts: first, Banasur receiving a boon from Shiva and second, the ritual of the Usha-Aniruddha marriage.

The entire show was a performance of a confluence of dance, choreography, drama and dialogue.

The role of Sutradhara played by Guru Sharma himself in traditional attire was commendable. He announced the entry of Banasura whose entry by Dharuva spoke for the valor of character. Usha’s entry and her dance including the maids were also impressive.

Perhaps the hero of the show was Guru Sharma himself whose stop-and-go interpretation and energetic nattuvangam will remain etched in the minds of the viewers.

Meenakshi Aishwarya (Banasur), Sowparnika Nambiar (Usha), Karthika Madhavi (Chitralekha) and Kavya Harish (Anirudh) were the main dancers. The musicians included Adarsh ​​(vocals), Murali Sangeet (violin) and Sriraag (mridangam).