Stalin honors schoolboy who appealed against hatred

Chief Minister MK Stalin on Thursday called on school student A.K. Abdul Kalam, whose recent comment on a media channel about not hating anyone on social media went viral.

“I was shaken to see Abdul Kalam’s speech in a video on how not to hate others but be affectionate towards them. I called him personally to congratulate him. His parents and teachers, who taught him love and humanity, not even caste and religious divisions, should be applauded,” Mr Stalin said in a social media post.

brought up nine children

Mr Stalin felicitated V Varun Sriram, a Class III student who entered the Guinness World Records for identifying the names of authors of 42 books within a minute.

The Chief Minister felicitated eight other students who played roles in two TV programs in a private channel. While Dwashika, Elanthamiz, Uday Priyan, Alam acted in a play periyariSatvik, Tharika Lakshmi, Sriram and Samiksha acted in a play Kurwan Kurthisaid in an official release.
