Stalin pledges to sow the seeds of Dravidian model across India

Targeting the BJP government. At the Centre, Mr Stalin said he wanted to build a fictional India by ignoring the states

Targeting the BJP government. At the Centre, Mr Stalin said he wanted to build a fictional India by ignoring the states

DMK President and Chief Minister MK Stalin on Sunday hit out at the BJP government at the Center, alleging that it wants to “create an imaginary India by neglecting the states”.

“The Constitution says that India is a union of states,” he said while addressing a public meeting to explain the state budget to the people. India gained its strength from unity in diversity and DMK had also taken the responsibility of saving the country’s pluralism and secularism.

“Other states are following Tamil Nadu’s ideas of social justice and state autonomy. Leaders of other states are also speaking for the rights of regional languages. I pledge to sow the seeds of the idea of ​​Dravidian model throughout the country.

Financial Crisis

Stating that Tamil Nadu is in the grip of a major financial crisis, he said that the Center should meet the financial requirements of a state, as and when it is required.

“The central government should immediately release thousands of crores of rupees because of Tamil Nadu. I made a strong case for money when I met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Union Finance Minister. But I did not plead with folded hands with my mouth closed. I put it as a reasonable demand. Our MPs have also raised it in both the Houses of Parliament.

Hindi ‘impose’

Recalling Home Minister Amit Shah’s argument that Indians should speak in Hindi instead of English, Mr Stalin said he had already answered them. “I asked if they needed only Hindi speaking states. All other leaders and celebrities have raised objections to him. Our language and culture is unique and has a history. In order to retain their power, they try to recreate the old story of Hindi imposition. They cannot take us lightly with their bundle of lies. We have seen them in the past and demolished their lies with our rational thoughts,” he said.

Explaining that the Dravidian model of government is an “inclusive government, aiming for inclusive growth”, Mr Stalin said those who were against the idea of ​​inclusion were opposing the DMK government.

“But I am not bothered by them in the slightest. Faced with them the DMK emerged victorious. It has seen more powerful enemies than the present ones. DMK workers have the valor of the opposition while in power. Even if we are a ruling party If so, we will not hesitate to fight for Tamil Nadu’s rights and dues.