Startups: National Startup Day: What Haptic, Picker, Bolo Live and Trail CEOs had to say – Times of India

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced that January 16 will be celebrated as ‘National’ start up Day’. During his interaction with startups from different sectors, the PM said that startups are going to be the backbone of New India. The Prime Minister said, “Start-ups are going to be the backbone of New India. When India completes 100 years of independence, startups will play a vital role. The country’s innovators are making the country proud at the world level.”
Startup founders and CEOs across the country have welcomed the PM’s announcement and expressed happiness over the recognition given to the startup sector in India. Here are quotes from co-founders and CEOs of three such startups.
Gaurav Mangla, CEO and Co-Founder of Picker
A day dedicated to India’s startups is a great step, and appreciates the initiative announced by Picker PM Modi In promoting the startup ecosystem in India. This will give wings to the growing startups and inspire all the innovative youth of our country to start something of their own.
National Start-up Day will provide a platform for entrepreneurs to discuss the importance of entrepreneurship and innovation for India’s youth and economy. According to reports, Indian startups raised $42 billion in 2021, up from $11.5 billion last year. This shows the commitment of the sector.
Fintech, D2C brands and SaaS (Software as a Service) are emerging businesses. India has the third largest startup ecosystem globally, with around 60,000 startups contributing heavily to the Indian economy.
Harsh Pokharna, Co-Founder and CEO, OKCredit
National Startup Day is a validation of the vital role played by startups in taking forward the innovation part of the country. From solving challenging problems faced by society to becoming job creators, Indian startups have captured the attention of the world. Dedicating a day to celebrate this achievement is a welcome move. Not only will this encourage more individuals towards entrepreneurship, but it is also a great morale booster for the startup ecosystem. Apart from the thought and perseverance of the founders, a lot of credit for the growth of India’s startup ecosystem goes to the policy makers and regulators and we expect the government to continue on the path of easing the business environment for startups.
Aakriti Vaish, Co-Founder and CEO, jio haptic
The adoption of technology is flourishing in every nook and corner of the country and every type of business is becoming a digital-first business. Till five years back, doing technology and digital was considered good, but now it has become a demand where everything is technology and digital. Most importantly, the Prime Minister’s approval to the problems of entrepreneurs and their recommendations is the biggest source of inspiration for creative people. Thus, it is a good time to be in the industry.
A single idea can change the course of your journey but there are many challenges to face while building a startup like financial management, team building, fierce competition, guidance, mentorship and education about what you want. But with the right information and support, it can be dealt with easily. Considering the Government’s partnership with Startups and Startup India, addressing the problems of ‘Angel Tax’, simplification of tax procedures, provision of government funding, allowing self-certification of nine labor and three environmental laws and Supporting them through measures like removing excess. More than 25 thousand compliances.
Amit Lakhotia, Founder and CEO, Park+
National Startup Day is a positive reinforcement for all the millions of people who work in India’s fast growing startup sector. According to a recent report, India is only behind the US and UK when it comes to startups. As more and more people get access to the internet, the sky is the limit for startups that have the right mix of technology and execution.
In a little over 2 years, the growth we have witnessed at Park+ would not have been possible without the government’s business-friendly policies on innovation and entrepreneurship. We expect the upcoming budget to be favorable for the startup sector.
Pulkit Agarwal, Co-Founder and CEO, trellis
Getting such inspiring news ahead of the budget gives a hopeful and much-needed impetus to all entrepreneurs. The initiative will raise awareness about the startup ecosystem and job creation as well as accelerate support to the entrepreneurial community of the country.
The government’s decision and message on prioritizing innovation, entrepreneurship and startup environment have three important features – entrepreneurship must be free from bureaucratic silos, an institutional structure must be created for innovation, and young innovators must grow and flourish. should provide a platform for
Varun Saxena, CEO & Founder, Bolo Live
National Startup Day is a validation of the role of startups in the growth of the country’s GDP and strengthening India’s position on the global stage. This initiative will not only make startups mainstream but also encourage young talent to look at entrepreneurship as a primary career option. Dedicating a day to celebrate startups and entrepreneurs is a welcome move. This approval of the Prime Minister is a big morale booster for the entrepreneurs, new job creators of the country.
We should also take a break and appreciate the role of policy makers and regulators in promoting the startup ecosystem in India. We look forward to taking more favorable steps by the Government to further strengthen the confidence and passion of the entrepreneurs.
