Steady in terms of BJP’s gold to stay steady, to survive…

New Delhi :

TickTick Sport and Population Census Sonali Phogata (Sonali Phogat) death mystery. Goldie Phogat is murdered. The viscera and tissues went for further investigation. … murder case has been registered in this case, case has been registered in this case and Sudhir is happy. This is better for sleeping. Sonali’s family has tightened the noose on Sudhir.

Sonali Phogat’s postmortem

this also further

Hospital updates and gold updates updated. related to this disease. Suspicion continues. Sonali phogat is compatible with phone to sangwan on 22 august. Changes from Healthy to Heart Disease Heart Attacks Caused by Heart Disease Changed After Lunch on Sunday. The program was announced.

A subsequent murder was recorded. Posted to post. Phogat’s brother recorded the presence of humans in these killings. Sone’s brother Rinku Dhaka on Thursday claimed that he was fit as Rinku said it would be fair as well.

Sonali Phogat is conducting a CBI probe into the long count